In this section:

Use the following procedures to install DSC SWe on OpenStack. It is recommended that you execute the procedures in the same order as they are presented. Otherwise, the system may not perform as expected.


In the OpenStack Dashboard, all entries that are shown with a star (*) indicate required information. Only the descriptions for these entries are provided in this document. For information about other OpenStack Dashboard entries, see the appropriate OpenStack user documentation at


Log In to the OpenStack Dashboard

For the list of supported Web Browsers, see Accessing the Web UI. Make sure that the JavaScript and cookies are enabled.

  1. Launch a supported Web browser.

  2. In the address bar, enter the host name or IP address for the dashboard.


    If a certificate warning appears when you try to access the URL for the first time, verify the certificate or add an exception in the browser to bypass this warning.

  3. On the OpenStack dashboard login page, enter your username and password.

  4. Click Connect.


    If the cloud supports the multi-domain model, you also need to enter the appropriate domain name.

    At the top right side of the window, your username appears. At the top left side of the window, the default project name created by OpenStack Appears.

Configure VM Identity

Perform the following procedure to configure VM Identity (create a project).


  1. Log on to the OpenStack Dashboard as admin user.
  2. From the OpenStack Dashboard, click Identity.
  3. Click Projects.
  4. Click Create Project.

  5. Enter the required information.
    1. Name is the appropriate project name (for example, sonusDSCcloud)
    2. Enabled is the action to activate the project.

  6. Click Create Project.
    The Project screen is displayed showing the project you created.

Manage Users

The following table lists and describes the user roles supported when creating a new user onOpenStackdashboard.


Possible User Access Details

User RolesDescription
adminIn order to create the Shared IP functionality the admin role is required (see Pre-installation Requirements, Networking Requirements).
_member_Basic user (role) access requirement to see the objects in the Stack. Includes all users who are associated with the project.
heat_stack_ownerUser who creates a Stack (see Creating and Launching a Stack).

Create a User

  1. Log on to the OpenStack Dashboard as admin user.
  2. From the OpenStack Dashboard, click Identity.
  3. Click Users.
  4. Click Create User.

  5. Enter the required information.
    1. User Name is the appropriate name for this user (for example, dscuser).
    2. Password is the password for this user.
    3. Use the Primary Project drop-down list to associate this user with a project (for example, SonusDSCcloud). 
      Role is the user access level [(see Supported Users) (for example, _member_)].
    4. Enabled is to confirm all parameters for this user.
  6. Click Create User.
    The Users screen is displayed showing the user you created.

Change a Password, Disable or Delete One/Multiple Users

  1. Log on to the OpenStack Dashboard as admin user.
  2. From the OpenStack Dashboard, click Identity.
  3. Click Users.
  4. Do one of the following:
    1. To change a password, disable, or delete one user, click the Edit drop-down list and select the required action.
    2. To change a password, disable, or delete more than one user, click the checkbox for the users as required and select the required action.

Manage Project Members

Perform the following procedure to manage the members for the project you created.

Click to

Upload an Image

Perform the following procedure to upload the DSC SWe/Cloud QCOW2 image to cloud storage (Image Service).


The image that you are uploading can be shared across projects.

Click to

Configure a Flavor

The Flavor represents the VM container size QEMU/KVM (Linux). For more information, see Software Requirements.

Click to

Create and Launch a Stack

The OpenStack templates allow you to create the required resources for cloud applications such as a project, flavor, users and so on. These resources are referred to as a Stack or system in the context of this document.

For security purposes, an SSH key is required by OpenStack prior to Stack creation.


If you have a properly configured SSH Key, you can log in to the DSC VMs without a password as the installation/provisioning progresses. 

SSH keys are pushed to the DSC VMs at the creation of such a VM and are applied to the root user on the VMs.

Click to

Configure Access and Security

After Stack creation and deployment, the YAML files automatically create a Security Group with permissive rules that are applied to the VM Ports (see Creating an IP Plan on OpenStack).


If you are going to create or modify the security groups, be aware that you must allow all external ports used on the DSC  Platform (which is configuration-specific). The ha0 interfaces must have very permissive settings; therefore, it is recommended that ha0 is left open.


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