In this section:

Networking Configurations


For recommendations about integrating the DSC SWe into your network, see Customer Network Requirements for the DSC SWe.

The following two primary cloud networking configurations are supported:

  • Provider Network
  • Tenant Network

In the Provider Network, the VM network directly interfaces with external networks. The IP address assignments are directly connected to the external networks. Both IPv4 and IPv6 configurations are supported for this network type.

In the Tenant Network, the VM network interfaces with private networks. External networks are separate and are connected using a router (real or virtual) from a private network to external networks. Network Address Translation (NAT) is used at the router and floating IPs are assigned to the VMs for external access. The floating IP addresses are not directly visible at the VMs and are passed at system initialization. IPv4 configuration is supported for this network type.

Although both of these networks types can be configured, the Provider network configuration is recommended. The NAT impacts the Tenant network configuration for SCTP multihoming making the network provisioning cumbersome.

Considerations for Creating an IP Plan

It is recommended that you create an IP Plan prior to installing the DSC SWe (on OpenStack).

Record the IP information so that your system information is readily available when you begin installing the software. Maintain this information as a reference for future configuration changes.

Network provisioning is done from the cloud. A VM takes values as given at initialization and propagates these to the stored networking configuration.


The Web UI does not allow IP address changes. However, you can view the IP configuration through this user interface.

Consider the following requirements when creating an IP plan:

  • At a minimum, one Management (mgt) network is required for provisioning, alarming, and maintenance access
  • Allow one or two ports for Management network traffic
  • Internal high-availability (HA) network that is isolated and open for inter-DSC SWe (on OpenStack) communication
  • One port for high-availability network traffic (bonded physical port is recommended)
  • At a minimum, one Packet network for protocol data
  • Allow one to four ports for Packet network traffic
  • One or two ports for Integrated Monitoring Feed (IMF) network

To assist you in creating an IP plan, the following table provides the supported IP Network Interfaces.

For provider networks, the IP addresses are assigned from the subnet allocation pools. These IP addresses for a network are assigned to each interface. ha0 is statically assigned.  

Supported IP Network Interfaces

mgt0Management interface for VM 1
mgt1Management interface for VM 2

The HA network should be isolated to the DSC SWe (on OpenStack) VMs.

pkt0Packet interface for payload protocol data.
pkt1Packet interface for payload protocol data.
pkt2Packet interface for payload protocol data.
pkt3Packet interface for payload protocol data.
imf0Optional Integrated Monitoring Feed (IMF) interface.
imf1Optional alternate Integrated Monitoring Feed (IMF) interface.
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