In this section:

The various requirements that must be met before starting the installation procedures are described in this page.

Platform Requirements

The DSC SWe (on OpenStack) hierarchy for this release is as follows:

  • Physical Hardware
  • Host Operating System
  • Hypervisor
  • Cloud/Virtual Network Function Manager (VNFM)

The supported hypervisor is listed and described in the following table.

DSC SWe with Cloud-like Features Supported Hypervisors

HypervisorRelease FormatDescription

Primary/default hypervisor for OpenStack

Required Software Packages

The following table lists and describes the required software packages to install and operate a DSC SWe (on OpenStack).  For information about obtaining these files, see Downloading Installation Files.

Required Software Packages for the DSC SWe (on OpenStack)

Software PackageDescription
dsc_swe_<rel>_<nb>.qcow2Software-load-packed QCOW2.  Installed directly or using HOT script.


This software package includes example template YAML files.

OpenStack Requirements

As the pre-requisites for configuring and managing OpenStack, you must retrieve DSC SWe/Cloud QCOW2 image and a DSC SWe/Cloud OpenStack HEAT template from SalesForce (see Downloading Installation Files).


The minimal supported version of OpenStack is the Red Hat Newton release. The HEAT orchestration template version is set at 2016-04-08. The cloud initialization metadata handling expects version 2015-10-15. 

Networking Requirements

The DSC SWe (on OpenStack) deployment expects to have one management network and two packet networks. These networks are as follows:

  • Management Network - provisioning network for Web/SSH communications
  • Packet Network - payload traffic network

The IP Networks used by the DSC SWE Platforms are required to be of high quality so these platforms can meet their throughput and latency requirements. See the Customer Network Requirements for the DSC SWe for more specific requirements and see Creating an IP Plan on OpenStack for detailed information about planning the IP network.

Software Requirements

The following table shows the DSC SWe (on OpenStack) software requirements.

OpenStack Host Linux OS Requirements




DSC SWe (on OpenStack) Module libvirt-0.9.4-23 (or newer)

Module installed

QEMU-KVM1.5 or greater
Libvirt and tools1.0 or greater
Genisoimage1.1 or greater

Virtual Machine (VM) Requirements

The following tables show the recommended resources allocated to each VM installed on an OpenStack Host.

Recommended OpenStack Host Resources Allocated to each DSC SWe VM for Diameter

ResourcesTo support Diameter only

4 cores; 2 GHz minimum

vNIC4 virtualNICS (1 MGMT, 1 HA, and 2 packet ports)

Recommended OpenStack Host Resources Allocated to each DSC SWe VM for SS7

ResourcesTo support SS7 Only

4 cores; 2 GHz minimum

vNIC4 virtualNICS (1 MGMT, 1 HA, and 2 packet ports)

Recommended OpenStack Host Resources Allocated to each DSC SWe VM for SS7 and Diameter

ResourcesTo support SS7 and Diameter

8 cores; 2 GHz minimum

vNIC4 virtualNICS (1 MGMT, 1 HA, and 2 packet ports)

Initialization Services

The DSC SWe installation uses the OpenStack HEAT project.

The standard HOT deployment assumes Provider-style networking and attempts to attach ports directly to the supplied networks (recommended configuration). This deployment also uses the config-drive service, not the meta-data service.

The Tenant-style HOT deployment assumes that all interfaces receive IPv4 addresses through Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).


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