
The SBC Edge logging service allows you to troubleshoot issues such as call signaling, call quality and performance by collecting activity logs from its subsystems. These logging records can then be analyzed to diagnose problems and optimize the performance of SBC Edge for your environment.

The SBC Edge system supports the following methods for recording logs:

  • Remote Syslog configuration, uses a syslog server to store a larger amount of log activity for extended period of time. Using a Remote Logging configuration is the recommended logging method since it allows for a greater logging history and level of detail. You must use this method of logging when working with Sonus Technical Support (TAC).
  • Local Log configuration (available only on the Sonus SBC 2000 chassis model), stores temporary log files directly on the SBC 2000 system. Each local log file retains a limited amount of recorded log messages. Local logging is only useful for quick, high level, troubleshooting, and is not recommended (nor suited) for extended troubleshooting sessions.

    Local Logging at Debug or Trace Level
    • Increasing the local log level of any subsystem to Debug or Trace levels should be performed only if requested by Sonus Technical Support (TAC).
    • After completing the collection of logs from the tests, all subsystems with custom log level must be reset to the Default local log level (Warning) or deleted.
    • Avoid performing this action on a production system.

    When troubleshooting Authentication or Authorization issues, you must apply the Authentication log profile. See Managing Subsystems Logging and Log Profiles for details.


A fully running SBC Edge system can generate a large amount of logging information. For this reason, the SBC Edge logging service allows you to customize the types of logging messages (and level of detail) you wish to be recorded by Managing Subsystems Logging and Log Profiles.

Debug SBC Edge Logs using LX

Refer to 

Log Exchange - LX
 documentation for details.

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