Getting Started with Local Logs

The Diagnostics tab displays a listing of log files stored locally on the Sonus SBC 2000 file system. Sonus SBC 2000 system logs can record every internal and external action the Sonus SBC 2000 system performs, including user visible actions (such as placing calls), as well as internal parsing and messaging operations. The actual level of logging detail is configurable by Setting the Local Log Level.


Locally stored log files can be directly viewed from the Sonus SBC 2000 Web interface. To do so, simply click the expand () icon next to the log file you wish to preview the log in place, or click the popup () icon to preview in a separate window.

Previewing logs files larger than 2 Megabytes is not recommended as this may slow down your browser. Please consider downloading the logs instead.


To download a copy of any local log file (or Web Access/Error log), simply click the Download button located under the Actions column.


Aside from automatic log rotation, you can directly rotate the current webui.log from memory to disk from the Sonus SBC 2000 Web interface. To do so, simply click the Rotate button located under the Actions column.

Please note that the system can store up to 6 local log files. When rotating the current log file, the 6th local log file on disk is deleted to make way for the newly rotated file.

Working with Local Logs

Local logging is not supported on Sonus SBC 1000 models. Instead, please use Remote logging.

The Local logging facility maintains two differently named log files:

  • webui.log: This file contains the current log messages being sent by the Sonus SBC 2000 System. The contents of this file are directly stored in-memory to reduce the I/O overhead on the overall Sonus SBC 2000 system. This log file gets automatically rotated, see Understanding Local Log Rotation Rules.
  • nvwebui_<timestamp>.log: When the webui.log file is rotated manually (or automatically) its contents are copied from memory to the local Sonus SBC 1000/2000 disk. The file is then named nvwebui_<timestamp>.log where <timestamp> represents the time when webui.log was rotated. The Sonus SBC 1000/2000 system stores a maximum of 6 local log files on disk.

Access Local Logs as follows:

  1. In the WebUI, click the Diagnostics tab.
  2. In the Logs page, click the Logs > Local System Logs tab.

    Local System Logs

Working with Web Access and Web Error Logs

Web Access and Web Error Logs are supported on Sonus SBC 1000/2000 models.

The Sonus SBC 1000/2000 system keeps exclusive tracking of the internal and external actions strictly having to do with the system's Web Server. The Web Server on Sonus SBC 1000/2000 is responsible for serving requests to and from the Web Interface and the Sonus SBC Edge REST API. These logs are typically used only when troubleshooting issues with Sonus SBC 1000/2000 that do not have to do with telephony traffic.

Similarly to the Local logging facility, the automatic log rotation rules applies, and user are able to Preview, Download, and Rotate those files.

To access Local Logs:

  1. In the WebUI, click the Diagnostics tab.
  2. In the Logs page, click the Logs > Web Access Logs OR Web Error Logs.

Web Access Logs

Web Error Logs

Working with Security Logs

Security Logs


Working with System Vitals Logs

The System Vitals Log contains system statistics crucial for understanding the overall health of the system. The SBC retains the current system vitals log, plus the previous five archived as tar.gz files.  When a new current file is generated the oldest archive is rotated out of the list. 

Each file, current and archived, is downloadable from the WebUI.

To access the System Vitals Logs:

  1. Click the Diagnostics tab at the top of the WebUI.
  2. In the left navigation pane, go to: Logs > System Vitals Logs.

System Vitals Logs


Generating System Vitals Logs

To generate a System Vitals Log:

  1. Click the Diagnostics tab at the top of the WebUI.
  2. In the left navigation pane, go to: Logs > System Vitals Logs.
  3. Click Run System Vitals at the top of the page.

Downloading System Vitals Logs

To download a System Vitals Log:

  1. In the System Vitals Logs table, click the Download link in the row for the log you wish to download.
  2. Browse for the location in which to save the downloaded log.
  3. Click Save.