
Sonus recommends using the Cloud Formation template to instantiate. Refer to Instantiating an SBC SWe HA Instance for additional details.


To instantiate a HA instance:

  1. Log onto AWS.

  2. Click the Services drop-down list.
    The Services list is displayed.

  3. From the left pane click EC2.

    Amazon Services

    The EC2 Dashboard page displays.

  4. From the left pane under Images click AMIs.
    The AMI ID page displays.

    AMI ID Page

  5. Choosing an AMI ID:

    1. Enter the AMI ID to search.
      The AMI entered displays.

    2. Select the AMI ID and click Launch.

      AMI ID

      The Choose an Instance Type page displays.

  6. Choosing an instance type:

    1. Select an instance type that meets the requirements.

      Sonus recommends c4.2xlarge or higher instance type if this instance type is available in your zone. Use c4.2xlarge instance type or higher to handle more calls with transcoding.

      You can use m4.xlarge instance type if the number of calls are less and does not require transcoding. 

      Chose an Instance Type

    2. Click Configure InstanceDetails.

      The Configure Instance Details page displays.

  7. Configuring an instance:

    1. Select the Network (VPC) and Management Subnet from the list.
      This creates the mgt0 network interface and is attached as eth0.

    2. Select a Placement group from the list.

      A placement group ID is a logical grouping of instances within a single Availability Zone. This is an optional field and can be blank.

    3. Select Tenancy from the list.

      Dedicated instances have a dedicated hardware isolated at host hardware level from the non-dedicated instances and instances that belong to other AWS accounts.
      It accepts default - for instances running on shared hardware or dedicated - for instances running on a single-tenant hardware.

    4. Select an IAM role.
    5. Click Advanced Details section to expand.
    6. In the User data section select As text.

      Enter the user data information in the following format for an Active Instance:

      Format of Userdata for HA

      If the CERole parameter is Active/Standby, it represents HA userdata format.

       "CERole" : "CERole",
       "ReverseNatPkt0" : "False", 
       "ReverseNatPkt1" : "False",
       "CEName" : "CEName",
       "SystemName" : "SystemName",
       "PeerCEName" : "PeerCEName",
       "PeerCEHa0IPv4Prefix" : "PeerCEHa0IPv4Prefix"

      Example of Userdata for HA

      If the CERole parameter is Active/Standby, it represents HA userdata format.

          "CERole" : "ACTIVE", 
          "ReverseNatPkt0" : "False", 
          "ReverseNatPkt1" : "False", 
          "ALT_Mgt0_00" : "LOGICAL_MGMT_IP", 
          "ALT_Pkt0_00" : "VIP1", 
          "ALT_Pkt1_00" : "VIP2", 
          "CEName" : "vsbc1", 
          "SystemName" : "vsbcSystem", 
          "NodeName" : "SD-test-HA-510A654", 
          "PeerCEName" : "vsbc2", 
          "PeerCEHa0IPv4Address" : "" 

      User data format for a standby instance is:

          "CERole" : "STANDBY", 
          "ReverseNatPkt0" : "False", 
          "ReverseNatPkt1" : "False", 
          "ALT_Mgt0_00" : "LOGICAL_MGMT_IP", 
          "ALT_Pkt0_00" : "VIP1", 
          "ALT_Pkt1_00" : "VIP2", 
          "CEName" : "vsbc2", 
          "SystemName" : "vsbcSystem", 
          "NodeName" : "SD-test-HA-510A654", 
          "PeerCEName" : "vsbc1", 
          "PeerCEHa0IPv4Address" : "" 
      • Renames the first alternate IP for management port as "LOGICAL_MGMT_IP".
      • Renames the first alternate IP for PKT0 port as "VIP1".
      • Renames the first alternate IP for PKT1 port as "VIP2".



      Userdata Parameter Description





      Assigned role of SBC instance.

      Allowed Value:

      • Active
      • Standby
      ReverseNatPkt0 / ReverseNatPkt1

      Reverse NAT flag for Pkt0 and Pkt1

      Default value - False



      • True: To consider FIPV4 entity using value provided in the dictionary
      • False: To configure FIPV4 using SMM rules, and ignore the FIPV4 value provided here.




      Specifies the actual CE name of the SBC instance. For more information, see System and Instance Naming Conventions.

      CEName Requirements:

      • Must start with an alphabetic character.
      • Only contain alphabetic characters and/or numbers. No special characters.
      • Cannot exceed 64 characters in length




      Specifies the actual system name of the SBC instance. For more information, see System and Instance Naming Conventions.

      System Requirements:

      • Must start with an alphabetic character.
      • Only contain alphabetic characters and/or numbers. No special characters.
      • Cannot exceed 26 characters in length.
      Node Name64
      Specifies a unique name for the instance in a node.




      Specifies the name of the peer SBC node. For more information, see System and Instance Naming Conventions.

      Peer CEName Requirements:

      • Must start with an alphabetic character.
      • Only contain alphabetic characters and/or numbers. No special characters.
      • Cannot exceed 64 characters in length.



      Specifies the IPv4 address of the HA port for the peer SBC node. This parameter is applicable only in case of instance is launched in HA mode.

    7. Click Add Storage.

      For more information on creating IAM role, see Creating Identity and Access Management (IAM) Roles.

      Configure Instance Details

      The Add Storage page displays.

  8. Adding a storage:

    1. Select Provisioned IOPS (SSD) as Volume Type.

      By default, the IOPS value is set to 1950. Sonus recommends you to use the default IOPS value.

    2. Click Tag Instance.

      Add Storage

      The Tag Instance page displays.

  9. Tagging an instance:

    1. Enter a key name and value.

      Click Create Tag to create more than one tag.

    2. Click Configure Security Group.

      Tag Instance

      The Configure Security Group page displays.

  10. Configuring security group:

    1. Click Select an existing security group.

    2. Select the management security group from the list.

    3. Click Review and Launch.

      Configure Security Group

      The Review Instance Launch page displays.

  11. Reviewing an instance:

    1. Review the instance details and click Launch.

      Review Instance Launch

      You will be prompted to select a key pair.

  12. Selecting a key pair:

    1. Select Choose an existing key pair from the drop-down and select the key pair.

    2. Select the acknowledgement for the key.
    3. Click Launch Instances.

      Selecting a Key Pair

      The new instance will launch.

  13. Click the instance ID to view the instance.

    Launch Status


    The new Instance details displays. Wait until the Instance State changes from Pending state to running state.

    New Instance Details

  14. Stopping an instance:

    1. Right-click the instance and select Instance State > Stop.

      Stopping an Instance

      A message appears to confirm stopping the instance.

    2.  Click Yes, Stop.

      Instance Stop Confirmation

  15. Attaching network interface:

    1. Right-click the instance and select Networking > Attach Network Interface.

      The network interface must be attached with the instance in the order of HA, PKT0, and PKT1.

      Attaching a Network Interface

    2. Select the HA0 interface and click Attach.

      Attaching HA Network Interface

      This attaches the HA0 network interface as eth1.

  16. Repeat step 15 to attach PKT0 and PKT1 network interfaces.

    In instance details, the attached network interfaces are listed as eth0, eth1, eth2, and eth3. Sonus refers to these as MGT0, HA, PKT0, and PKT1 respectively.

  17. Starting an instance:

    1. Right-click the instance and select Instance State > Start.

      The system takes approximately 6-8 minutes to start.

      Starting the Instance


    2. Click Yes, Start.
      A message appears to confirm starting the instance.

      Instance Start Confirmation

      New Instance

      The system name and local host name can be changed by editing the userdata. For more information on editing the userdata, refer to Metadata, Userdata and MetaVariable Formats on AWS.

  18. Repeat steps 2 through 18 to create a standby instance.


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