Modified: for 6.2.1


If a switchover is triggered on the SBC SWe platform due to any of the following reasons, a media outage of 20 seconds occurs for the stable calls:

  • if there is process hang in the media handling application,
  • if media handling process is manually killed or because of the core dump.

Instantiate an SBC SWe HA Instance

To instantiate an SBC SWe HA instance:

  1. Log on to AWS.

  2. Click Services and the AWS Services list displays.

  3. Click CloudFormation from Management Tools section.

    All AWS Services

    The stacks page displays.

  4. Click Create Stack.

    The Select Template page displays.

  5. In the Choose a template section, select Upload a template to Amazon S3.
  6. Click Choose File to navigate through the folders and select the heat template.
    The heat template selected displays.
  7. Click Next.

    Select Template Page

    The Create A New Stack page displays.

  8. Enter the required values in the fields. The following table describes the Create Stack fields:

    Create Stack fields

     FieldDescriptionMandatory?Can Be Left Blank?Customizable by User?
    Stack nameAn unique name for SBC stack which is a collection of AWS resources you create and delete as a single unit.(tick) (tick)
    VpcIdSelect a VPC with Subnet, Security Group, etc., selected earlier.(tick)  
    SecurityGrpMgt0Acts as a firewall for associated Amazon EC2 instances, controlling both inbound and outbound traffic for MGT0.(tick)  
    SecurityGrpHa0Acts as a firewall for associated Amazon EC2 instances, controlling both inbound and outbound traffic for HA0.(tick)  
    SecurityGrpPkt0Acts as a firewall for associated Amazon EC2 instances, controlling both inbound and outbound traffic for Pkt0.(tick)  
    SecurityGrpPkt1Acts as a firewall for associated Amazon EC2 instances, controlling both inbound and outbound traffic for PKT1.(tick)  
    SubnetIdMgt0Subnet ID of an existing subnet in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for Mgt0.(tick)  
    SubnetIdHA0Subnet ID of an existing subnet in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for HA0.(tick)  
    SubnetIdPkt0SubnetId of an existing subnet in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for Pkt0.(tick)  
    SubnetIdPkt1SubnetId of an existing subnet in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for Pkt1.(tick)  
    AMIIDAmazon Machine Image (AMI) is an encrypted machine image which is like a template of a computer's root drive. For example, ami-xxxxxxxx.(tick)  
    SBC Personality

    Configure a SBC instance to either Integrated SBC (isbc), Signaling SBC (ssbc), or Media SBC (msbc) personality types.

    Default value is isbc.

    IAMRoleIAM role for SBC SWe instance. For more information on IAM Role, see Creating Identity and Access Management (IAM) Roles.(tick)  
    ActiveInstanceNameThis is the hostname name for an active instance.(tick)  
    StandbyInstanceNameThis is the host name for a standby instance. (tick)  

    This is the name of the overall SBC system, and is used as the designation of all servers.

    Note: Sonus recommends that you capitalize the system name, for example: VSBCSYSTEM.


    Type of instance that is created from stack.

    Note: Sonus recommends c4.2xlarge or higher if this instance type is available in your zone. Use c4.2xlarge instance type or higher to handle more calls with transcoding. You can use m4.xlarge instance type if the number of calls are less and does not require transcoding.

    Volume TypeSelect the type of volume for SBC.(tick)  
    IOPSEnter IOPS reservation for io1 type EBS volume.(tick)  
    Volume SizeEnter size of disk required in GB.
    For io1 type EBS volume [<= 1950], for gp2 EBS volumes this value is ignored by template.
    Number of Alternate IP on PKT0

    Alternate IP address for packet port 0.

    Note: If you are using more than one IP for alternate IPs, use comma separated IPs list.

    Number of Alternate IP on PKT1

    Alternate IP address for packet port 1.

    Note: If you are using more than one IP for alternate IPs, use comma separated IPs list.

    MGT0 interface of active and standby systems will have elastic IPs associated. You can mention the required interfaces to be associated with EIP. For example, select PKT0 to associate EIP with PKT0 or PKT1 to associate EIP with PKT1, or both to associate EIPs for PKT0 and PKT1, or none not to associate EIPs with any interface.

    Note: After associating EIPs for interfaces, you must set the reverse NAT fields of the corresponding interfaces as true for SBC application to use the associated EIPs.


    Enable or disable reverse Network Address Translation (NAT) functionality for PKT0 interface. Set this field to true, to attach the assigned EIP on PKT0 and use it without SMM rule. See EipAssociationXface for associating EIP for the required interfaces.

    Note: When set to False, the SBC application cannot use the attached EIP.


    Enable or disable reverse Network Address Translation (NAT) functionality for PKT1 interface. Set this field to true, to attach the assigned EIP on PKT1 and use it without SMM rule. See EipAssociationXface   for associating EIP for the required interfaces.

    Note: When set to False, the SBC application cannot use the attached EIP.

    Keyname Existing EC2 KeyPair name to enable SSH access on SBC instance.(tick)  
    TenancyDedicated instances have a dedicated hardware isolated at host hardware level from the non-dedicated instances and instances that belong to other AWS accounts.
    It acceptsdefault - for instances running on shared hardware or dedicated - for instances running on a single-tenant hardware.
    PlacementId A placement group ID of logical group of instances within a single Availability Zone. This is an optional field and can be blank. (tick) 

  9. Click Next.

    Create A New Stack Page

    The Options page displays.

  10. Enter the key name and its value in the Key and Value fields.

    Tagging key-value pairs to the stack is optional.

  11. Click Next.

    Options Page

    The Review page displays.


Review the stack details entered and click Create to create a stack.

Review Page

The stack creation begins.

Stack Creation

After the instances are created it will automatically reboot. This automatic reboot of instances may require approximately 15 minutes, but subsequent reboots of the instances may take approximately 4-6 minutes.

  • Do not update or modify the stack created.
  • Do not change or remove resources after instance creation. For example, removing or attaching EIP, or changing the user data and so on.

Retrieving the admin Password for AWS Instances

Prior to 6.2.1 release, the default CLI admin user name and password for AWS SWe was admin/admin. The hard coded password must not be used for the security vulnerability on the AWS SWe platform.

  1. Select the Stack Name once the stack is created.
  2. Select the Outputs tab.
  3. Copy the value of the field DefaultCliAdminPassword and use this value as the default password to login to the CLI/EMA/PM admin user. For more information, refer to Accessing an Active SBC SWe Instance Using EMA.

    : DefaultCliAdminPassword in Outputs Tab


    The default password for CLI admin is “eth0” interface ID of assigned role active instance (instance with “-1” in the name) for an HA pair.

Verify the Instances Created

Perform the following steps to view the SBC SWe instances created:

  1. Click the Services drop-down list.
    The Services list is displayed.

  2. From the left pane click EC2.


    The EC2 Dashboard page is displayed.

  3. From the left pane under Instances click Instances.

    EC2 Dashboard

    The instances page displays the new instances.

    New HA Instance

View Public IP addresses associated with PKT0 and PKT1

To view public IP addresses associated with PKTO and PKT1 right-click the instance on the Instances page and select Networking > Manage Private IP Addresses.

The Manage Private IP Addresses window displays the public IP addresses associated with the packet ports (PKT0 and PKT1).

Manage Private IP Addresses