In this section:


The SBC 5100, SBC 5110, SBC 5200, and SBC 5210 platforms are no longer supported beginning with the SBC Core 10.0.0R0 release. This release supports SBC 5400/7000/SWe/CNe platforms. Contact Ribbon Sales for upgrade information.


Upgrading an SBC involves:

  1. Upgrading the firmware (not applicable to SBC SWe).


    This step upgrades the BMC, BIOS, and additional firmware for the 5400 and 7000 series.

  2. Upgrading the SBC application.


    This step upgrades the OS for the 5400 and 7000 series.

The standalone and HA upgrade flows below are shown for general guidance. Actual software and firmware versions may vary depending upon the upgrade path:

Standalone Upgrade

Refer to the latest Release Notes for release details prior to initiating your upgrade.

HA Upgrade

Refer to the latest Release Notes for release details prior to initiating your upgrade.


1 Upgrading the BMC and BIOS Firmware

2 Upgrading SBC Application using EMA Platform Mode

3 Live Software Upgrade using CLI