Use the Cns Group Profile window to specify a group of up to 8 servers to receive call notifications and to specify how the SBC should distribute the notifications among the servers. When you create a profile you add information on the first server in the Cns Group Data section. You can add up to 7 more Cns group data objects (for a total of 8) to a profile using the Cns Group Data window. Cns group profiles and Cns group data objects are used with the SBC's call notification feature. Refer to Sending Unsolicited Call Notifications to Application Servers for more information on call notification.

To View Cns Group Profiles

On the SBC main screen, go to All > Global > Servers Cns Group > Cns Group Profile

The Cns Group Profile window opens.

Figure 1: Cns Group Profile Window

To Create a Cns Group Profile

To create a Cns group profile:

  1. Click New Cns Group Profile. The Create New Cns Group Profile window opens.

  2. Use the following table to configure the options and then click SaveAfter you create the profile, you can add more Cns group data objects to the profile using the Cns Group Profile - Cns Group Data window.
    Table 1: Cns Group Profile Parameters

    NameSpecifies a name of up to 23 characters for the Cns group profile.
    DescriptionSpecifies an optional description of up to 199 characters for the profile.
    Load Distribution

    Specifies how to distribute call notifications among the servers in this group. The options are:

    • Sequence - to distribute notifications in the same sequence for every call using the order defined by the server sequence value.
    • Round Robin - to distribute among the servers in a round-robin method.
    URISpecifies a URI of up to 140 characters to use in the Request-URI of NOTIFY messages for this group of servers.
    Cns Group Data
    SequenceSpecifies a sequence number for a server within the group. If the Load Distribution type is Sequence, the SBC attempts to send call notifications to the servers in their specified sequence. The range allowed is 0 - 7.
    TransportSpecifies the transport type to use for sending notifications to this server. Currently the only type is UDP.
    Remote AddressSpecifies an IP address or FQDN of up to 63 characters for the server to receive call notifications.
    Remote PortSpecifies the number of a port to send call notifications on the server. The default is 5060.
    Call Notify TGIDSpecifies the name of a trunk group through which the SBC sends call notifications. 

To Edit a Cns Group Profile

  1. Select the Cns group profile by clicking the radio button adjacent to it. The Edit Selected Cns Group Profile window opens.
    You can only make changes to the general profile parameters in this window. 

  2. Make the required changes and click Save.
    To make changes to the Cns group data in the profile, use the Cns Group Profile - Cns Group Data window.

To Copy a Cns Group Profile

  1. Select the Cns group profile by clicking the radio button adjacent to it.

  2. Click Copy Cns Group Profile. The Copy Selected Cns Group Profile window opens.

  3. Make changes and click Save.

To Delete a Cns Group Profile

  1. Select the Cns group profile by clicking the radio button adjacent to it.

  2. Click the Delete icon (X) at the end of the row.
  3. Confirm the deletion when prompted.