This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

In this section:


Link Detection Group

The link detection group details associated with this address context.

Command Syntax

> show table addressContext <addressContext_name> linkDetectionGroup

Command Parameters

Link Detection Group Parameters

ceNameThe name of SBC node that hosts this link detection group.
linkMonitor The link monitor that monitors a link to a destination for a specific interface.
linkMonitorStatistics  Link failure statistics detected per IP interface.
  • averageTime – Average time (in microseconds) used to get a reply for an echo request packet.
  • doubleFailures– Number of double failures for this IP interface.
  • duplicateReplies – Number of duplicate replies.
  • failures – Number of failures for this IP interface.
  • lateReplies – Number of late replies.
  • maxTime –Maximum time (in microseconds) used to get a reply for an echo request packet.
  • minTime –Minimum time (in microseconds) used to get a reply for an echo request packet.
  • replies – Total number of replies.
  • singleFailures– Number of single failures for this IP interface.
linkMonitorStatus Link verification status for a link monitor.
  • linkStatus – The current link verification status for this link monitor.
  • monitorStatus – The current status of link monitoring for this link monitor.
reattemptTimer The time to wait (in milliseconds) for a link verification reattempt.  
responseTimerThe time to wait (in milliseconds) for a link verification attempt. 
retries The number of retries before link verification is considered failed. 
state Administrative state of the link detection group.
threshold The number of link monitor failures that will trigger this link detection group to declare a failure and attempt a switchover to the standby server.
type Interface type supported by this link detection group.


The time interval (in milliseconds) between link verification attempts.

Link Detection Group Statistics

Link failure statistics per trunk group.

Command Syntax

> show table addressContext <addressContext_name> linkDetectionGroupStatistics <Link Detection Group name> 

Command Parameters

Link Detection Group Statistics Parameters


<Link Detection Group name>

Link Detection Group name.
doubleFailures Number of times a link monitor within this link detection group failed to receive two consecutive echo replies. The second (next) reattempt was successful.
failures Number of times a link monitor within this link detection group declared itself failed.


Number of times a link monitor within this link detection group failed to receive a single echo reply. The first reattempt was successful.


Link Detection Group Status

Displays the number of link monitors with this Link Detection Group that have declared themselves as failed.

Command Syntax

> show table addressContext <addressContext_name> linkDetectionGroupStatus <Link Detection Group name> failures

Command Parameters

Link Detection Group Status Parameters


<Link Detection Group name>

Link Detection Group name.


The current number of link monitors within this link detection group that have declared themselves as failed.


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