This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

Search System-level objects:

This section provides information on the operations associated with the SBC Core system-level CLI mode, including command syntax, parameters and attributes, and command examples. To see available system CLI commands, at the CLI prompt, type ?. A list of available system commands display similar to below:

admin@SBC01> ?
Possible completions:
	change-password      - Change your password
	clear                - Clear parameter
	commit               - Confirm a pending commit
	configure            - Manipulate software configuration information
	describe             - Display transparent command information
	exit                 - Exit the management session
	help                 - Provide help information
	quit                 - Exit the management session
	re-enable-os-account - Re-enable another Linux user's account
	request              - Make system-level requests
	reset                - Reset the terminal
	reset-password       - Reset another user's password
	set                  - Set CLI properties
	set-path             - Set relative show path
	show                 - Show information about the system
	source               - File to source
	top                  - Exit to top level and optionally run command
	up                   - Exit one level of configuration


The change-password operation allows you to change the password. It is recommended that you should change the password from the default when you log in for the first time.


Non-Administrator user passwords can be changed once per calendar day. If more than one attempt is made to change non-Administrator passwords, the following error message displays from CLI command line:

"The password cannot be changed by a non Administrator group user more than once a day"

Password Criteria

Password RuleValue
Minimum password character length8
Minimum number of upper case characters1
Minimum number of lower case characters1
Minimum number of digits1
Minimum number of special characters1
Maximum number of consecutive repeating characters3
Minimum number of differences to the old password4
Number of previous passwords not to repeat using4

The new password entered should not be same as user name.


See Managing SBC Core Users and Accounts for additional details.

Command Syntax

> change-password

Command Example

> change-password
Enter old password: *********
Enter new password: **********
Re-enter new password: **********
passwd: password updated successfully



Use this command to clear command entry history for the current session.


If you issue a set, edit or delete command in the system CLI mode or configuration mode, you must perform a commit for the changes to take effect. A commit is not required for a request command.

In addition, any command that changes the mode or state of an object must be entered and committed separately. The examples under the set command description include the appropriate commit entries.

Command Syntax

> commit



As a best practice, issue a commit command after each group of approximately 10 set commands are entered.


The Configure mode lets you create or modify, show, and delete configurable SBC objects. Two modes are available:

  • exclusive: Only one exclusive session is possible at a time. Private sessions are allowed during an exclusive session but the private sessions cannot commit their changes. An exclusive session cannot start when a private session is in the process of committing its changes.

  • private: Multiple private sessions can occur simultaneously. Changes made in a private session can be committed while other private sessions are open, which updates the current configuration.

    Enter configure with no arguments to select the default private mode.

Command Syntax

> configure <exclusive | private>

Command Example

To configure SBC in private mode: 

configure private
admin@server1> configure private 
Entering configuration mode private 
[ok][2012-04-26 01:33:15] 



Up to 16 simultaneous CLI sessions are allowed.  



Use this command to display command details.

CLI Syntax
> describe <command>
Example 1
> describe change-password
    Source : clispec
    File   : /opt/sonus/sbx/ccl/sonusConfd.ccl

Callback [os command]
    OS command : /opt/sonus/sbx/sh/
    Arguments  : $(user)
    Interrupt  : sigint

    Change your password

    Change your password
Example 2
> describe request
    Source : built-in

    Make system-level requests


The exit operation allows you to exit from the CLI management session.

Command Example

admin@server1> exit


The help operation is a fast and simple means to learn more about the available commands and correct command syntax.

For more information, refer to Using CLI Help.


Use the quit operation to exit the system CLI management session.

Command Example

admin@server1> quit



Use this command to re-enable another Linux user's account.

CLI Syntax

> re-enable-os-account <linux user account>

CLI Example

> re-enable-os-account admin
Login           Failures Latest failure     From
admin               0

re-enable-os-account fields

LoginUser account name
FailuresThe number of failed login attempts for this user
Latest failureDate of the latest failed attempt
FromLocation of login attempt


The request operation facilitates system-level requests for the following objects:

  •  request addressContext – Objects scoped to a specific IP address domain
  •  request alarms – Alarm Management
  •  request global – Global objects that are applicable Node wide
  •  request message – Send a message to one or all user terminals
  •  request oam – Operations and Maintenance objects
  •  request system – System operations
Refer to Request Command Details - CLI page for command details.


The reset operation allows you to reset the terminal.

> reset


The Administrator can use this command to reset the password of another user.

Command Syntax

admin@SBC01> reset-password <user account>

Command Example

admin@SBC01> reset-password guest13
The temporary password for guest13 is O[1]jg4Y
[ok][2013-09-17 02:25:15]  



Use the set operation to make system-level settings for the following objects:

  • autowizard
  • complete-on-space
  • display-level
  • history
  • ignore-leading-space
  • paginate
  • prompt1
  • prompt2
  • screen
  • show
  • terminal

Command Syntax

> set autowizard <true | false>
> set complete-on-space <true | false>
> set display-level <level #>
> set history <size>
> set ignore-leading-space <true | false>
> set paginate <true | false>
> set prompt1 <string>
> set prompt2 <string>
> set screen length <positive integer>
> set screen width <positive integer>
> set show defaults <true | false>
> set terminal <generic | xterm | vt100 | ansi | linux>

Command Parameters

set Parameters






Automatically query for mandatory elements when configuring the system. Options:

  • true (default)
  • false



Enable/disable ‘complete-on-space’ feature. See Space-Completion Functionality for details.

  • true (default)
  • false
display-level 1-64Set the level of detail to view in the results when using show command. (Default = 64)
history <value>
1-8192Configure CLI history size. (Default = 100)

Enable/disable ‘ignore leading whitespace’ feature.

  • true (default)
  • false 

Enable/disable CLI output pagination.

  • true (default)
  • false
prompt1 <string>
N/ASet operational mode prompt.
prompt2 <string>
N/ASet configure mode prompt.

Configure terminal screen height (length) and width.

  • length <value> (range: 1-32000, default = 62)
  • width <value> (range: 1-512, default = 142) 
show defaults

Enable/disable displaying default values when using the show configuration command.

  • true
  • false (default)

Set the terminal type. Options are:

  • generic
  • xterm
  • vt100
  • ansi
  • linux


Command Example

To view IPSP DEFAULT_SIP egressIpAttributes flags settings without and then with accompanying default values (default values are shown after # symbol):

> show configuration profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP egressIpAttributes flags
bgcfTargetSchemeTransparency disable;
convertInactiveToSendrecv disable;
disable2806Compliance disable;
disableOptionalRegisterParameters disable;
map181Or182MessageTo183 disable;
mapContractorNumberInPSigInfoHeader disable;
suppressUnregister disable;
ttcIsupMapping disable;
useCalledPartyInRequestUri disable;
useColonInSdpMediaTypeParameter disable;
validateIsubAddress disable;
qosBasedRouting disable;
ignoreSdpAfterOfferAnswerCompleted disable;
includeEnumParameters disable;
[ok][2015-07-11 12:45:13]> set show defaults true
[ok][2015-07-11 12:22:46]> show configuration profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP egressIpAttributes flags
bgcfTargetSchemeTransparency disable; # disable
convertInactiveToSendrecv disable; # disable
disable2806Compliance disable; # disable
disableOptionalRegisterParameters disable; # disable
map181Or182MessageTo183 disable; # disable
mapContractorNumberInPSigInfoHeader disable; # disable
suppressUnregister disable; # disable
ttcIsupMapping disable; # disable
useCalledPartyInRequestUri disable; # disable
useColonInSdpMediaTypeParameter disable; # disable
validateIsubAddress disable; # disable
qosBasedRouting disable; # disable
ignoreSdpAfterOfferAnswerCompleted disable; # disable
includeEnumParameters disable; # disable[ok][2015-07-11 12:36:02]



The set-path  operation is used to set the relative path for 'show' commands for SBC objects.

To view available objects for this command, enter set-path ?

The command syntax is shown below. To see further details of the following objects and their attributes, see CLI Configure Mode.

> set-path 
Possible completions: 
  addressContext - Objects scoped to a specific IP addressing domain.
  global         - Global objects that are applicable Node wide
  oam            - Operations and Maintenance objects.
  profiles       - Profiles of configuration shared by multiple objects.
  system         - System-level configuration.


Command Example

admin@SBC01> set-path addressContext default
[ok][2013-09-16 15:29:47]
[path addressContext default]
admin@SBC01> show configuration
Possible completions:
  details             - Show details
  diamNode            - Diameter Node configurations.
  displaylevel        - Depth to show
  dnsGroup            - DNS Server Groups in this address context.
  ipAccessControlList - IP Access Control lists for this address context.
  ipInterfaceGroup    - Groupings of IP interfaces in this address context.
  ipsec               - Ipsec configuration, security policy database, ike peer table.
  linkDetectionGroup  - Link Detection Groups in this address context.
  natDirectMediaGroup - Group of Signaling IP Addresses of NAT devices amongst which Direct media is supported
  rtpServerTable      - This table is used to create a name for a RTP Server Table table.
  staticRoute         - Static IP routes for this address context.
  zone                - Signaling, media, and control for a zone in the address context.




The show operation is used in the system-level CLI mode to view various details of the following objects:

  • cli
  • commit
  • configuration
  • rsaKey
  • status
  • table
  • users
  • utils


To display the available command objects, enter show at the command prompt and then press the Tab key:

admin@SBC01> show
Possible completions:
  cli           - Display cli settings
  commit        - Show commit history
  configuration - Display current configuration
  rsaKey		- Display configured RSA keys
  status        - Display current system status
  table         - Display current configuration and status as a table
  users         - Display active users
  utils         - System utilities

The parameter ‘displaylevel’ is available to many of the ‘show’ commands to specify the level of detail to display. For simplicity, it will not always be included in the object descriptions in this topic.

Refer to Show Command Details - CLI page for command details and examples.


Command Extensions

The 'show' command also includes the following extended command options to provide an additional level of detail. These extended command options can be added the end of a normal command using the "|" (vertical bar, or pipe character) separator.

  • context-match <pattern>
  • count
  • csv
  • de-select
  • details
  • display
  • except
  • extended
  • find
  • hide
  • linnum
  • match
  • match-all
  • match-any
  • more
  • nomore
  • select
  • sort-by
  • tab
  • until


Refer to Command Extensions to the 'show' Command for command details and examples.



The source operation is used to source a file containing CLI commands. This file must be located in the directory: /home/sftproot/{GROUP}/{USER}/ 

Command Example

> source <file to source > .bash_history MyFile


The top operation is used to exit to the top level. In Edit mode, the top command takes you to the top-most level of CLI commands from any level.


The up operation is used to exit one level of configuration. In Edit mode, the up command takes you to one level up.

  • No labels