Use the following procedure to physically replace an AMC121 CPU.


Make sure to check the DIP switch setting on the new AMC121 CPU prior to insertion. Only SW2-2 (Position 2) should be ON. All other switches should be OFF.

SW2 is a four-position, single pole DIP switch pack (see the following figure). Setting SW2-2 to OFF configures the AMC121 to receive the PCIe clock (FCLKA) from the backplane regardless of ekeying commands. Use this setting in AMC.1 R1.0 carriers.

Setting SW2-2 to ON (default) configures the AMC121 to source/receive/isolate the PCIe clock (FCLKA) based on ekeying commands in compliance with AMC.1 R2.0.

CMOS Reset and COM1 Port Redirection Switch Location

To replace an AMC121 CPU

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