
We strongly recommend that you do not insert or extract fiber-optic SFP/SFP+ modules with cables attached because of the potential damage to the cables, the cable connector, or the optical interfaces in the SFP/SFP+ module. Disconnect all cables before extracting or inserting an SFP/SFP+ module.

Extracting and inserting an SFP/SFP+ module can shorten its useful life. Do not extract and insert SFP/SFP+ modules more often than is absolutely necessary.

Static electricity can damage electronic components. Wear a wrist strap grounded through one of the system's ESD ground jacks when servicing system components.


  1. Attach an ESD-preventive wrist strap to your wrist and to an ESD ground jack on the DSC 8000 chassis.
  2. If the SFP/SFP+ module has a bale actuator, make sure the actuator is in the locked (up) position, as shown in the following figure.


  3. Find the transmit (TX) and receive (RX) markings that identify the top side of the SFP/SFP+ module.
  4. On some SFP/SFP+ modules, the send and receive (TX and RX) markings might be replaced by arrows that show the direction of the connection, either send or receive (TX or RX). Refer to the following figure for the correct orientation.

  5. Align the SFP/SFP+ module in front of the bay opening.
  6. Insert the SFP/SFP+ module into the bay until you feel the connector on the module snap into place in the rear of the bay.


    Do not remove the dust plugs from the fiber-optic SFP/SFP+ module port or the rubber caps from the fiber-optic cable until you are ready to connect the cable. The plugs and caps protect the SFP/SFP+ module ports and cables from contamination and ambient light.


  7. Remove the dust plugs from the optical ports, if applicable, and store them for later use. Only remove the dust plugs immediately before inserting a cable into the optical port.

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