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This section includes information about the restore procedures.

Replacing the MicroSD on an AMC121

Restoring system backup using a USB key is required when you change the MicroSD on any of AMC121 cards.

It is assumed that before you start the restore process, you have

  • performed a complete system backup (software image and system data) using a USB key before changing the MicroSD
  • installed a new MicroSD on the AMC121 as required

Restoring a Complete System Backup from a USB Key on a Single AMC121

It is assumed that before you start the restore process you have done the following:

  • performed a complete system backup (software image and system data) using a USB key
  • installed a new MicroSD on the AMC121 if required
  • powered up the 
    Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
  • are familiar with the system Ethernet configuration
  • are connected to the 
    Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
     as required
  • are logged onto the 
    Unable to show "metadata-from": No such page "_space_variables"
     as the root user

To install the software load on the AMC121 CPU using a USB key 

  1. Insert the USB key into the USB port on the AMC121 CPU.
  2. Reset the AMC121 CPU to begin rebooting from the USB key.  
    • For 3U, refer to To deactivate the new AMC121 CPU for the proper deactivation procedure. When the blue LED stops blinking and remains illuminated, continue to the next step.
    • For 13U, use the VSE CLI interface to deactivate the AMC121 CPU, if the AMC121 CPU is not deactivated yet.

      hardware app-blade deactivate <frame shelf slot subslot>
  3. Activate the AMC121 CPU. 
    • For 3U, activate the CPU by pressing the card's ejector handle toward the front panel. When the AMC121 is operational, the blue hot-swap LED turns OFF.
    • For 13U, use the VSE CLI interface and enter the following command:

      hardware app-blade activate <frame> <shelf> <slot> <subslot>
  4. Press F2 while the AMC121 CPU is powering up to enter the BIOS.
    If the AMC121 CPU starts to lilo boot, you have missed the chance to press F2. 
    • For 3U, reset this card by pressing the Reset button on the AMC121 CPU faceplate and try again.


      If using the ejector handle to reset the CPU, refer to To deactivate the new AMC121 CPU for the proper deactivation procedure.

      When the blue LED stops blinking and remains illuminated, press the card's ejector handle toward the front panel again to re-activate the card.

    • For 13U, deactivate the card again and then re-activate the card using the VSE CLI interface.


  5. Navigate to the Main window and make sure that the System Time and the System Date are set to the local time and date on the working CPU and the other CPU in the operation regardless of timezone.


    You must set the System Time and the System Date to the local time and date on the working CPU and the other CPU in operation regardless of timezone in this step even if you have done this task before. Otherwise, the system will not function as expected.

    For example, if the local time on the working CPU is 07:30:25 EST, the time entered in the BIOS on the restored AMC121 CPU and the other working CPU has to be 07:30:25 even though the timezone is not entered.

  6. Navigate to the Exit window, select Load Custom/Optimal Defaults, and press ENTER.

  7. Select OK, and press ENTER.

  8. Navigate to the Boot window and select Hard Disk Drives.

  9. Select the 1st Drive, highlight the device that corresponds to the USB key and press ENTER.

  10. Select 2nd Drive, highlight the device that corresponds to the AMC121 CPU's SD card, and press ENTER.


    The second boot drive should be the AMC121 CPU's SD card (USB: Single Flash Reader) and the third boot drive should be the AMC121 CPU's hard drive, which should be in the format SATA: <hd manufacturer/model>. In the following example, the hard drive entry is SATA:PM-FUJITSU MH.

  11. Navigate to the Exit window, select Save Changes and Exit, press ENTER.

  12. Enter root, and press ENTER.

    CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
    Kernel 3.10.0-693.21.1.el7.sonus06.x86_64 on an x86_64
    usb-os-installer login:
  13. Enter y, and then press ENTER. The following appears on your screen.

    | USB OS Installation |
    Installation Details
    Card Type: AMC121
    Target Shared Storage Device:
    Node: /dev/sda
    Transport: ata
    Description: ATA Hitachi HTE54322
    Installer Key Device:
    Node: /dev/sdb
    Transport: usb
    Description: Generic Flash Disk
    Target Root File System Device:
    Node: /dev/sdc
    Transport: usb
    Description: Single Flash Reader
    Do you wish to repartition/reformat the logs/stats device /dev/sda (y/n)?
  14. Enter y and then press ENTER.

    The system will be installed on device sdc.
    Confirm (y/n)?
  15. When prompted, remove the USB key and press ENTER to reboot the AMC121 CPU.

    Please remove the USB key. Upon reboot into the OS installed on the permanent
    drive there will be additional automated installation steps and a second reboot.
    When this reboot has completed:
    - for new install the login banner will indicate when system initialization
    steps are required.
    - for restore the data will be applied to the system and applications will
    Manual installation sanity checks can be performed at that time.
    Please remove the USB key and press ENTER to continue (reboot).
  16. If the AMC121 CPU does not boot without the USB key, go to the BIOS settings and make sure that the SD card is set as the first boot device.

    1. The screen output for Boot > Hard Disk Drive should appear as follows.

    2. The screen output for Boot >Boot Device Priority should appear as follows.

  17. After the system reboots and the following prompts appear, go to the next step.

    (none) login:
  18. Enter root for login and the same password for the working CPU, and then press ENTER.

    If the root password from the working CPU is not working, try to use password changeme instead.

  19. Verify the OS version by running following command at the Linux prompt on the  restored AMC121 CPU.

    cat /etc/pt-release
  20. Make sure that the Chassis Type is set to the appropriate chassis (for example, 3U) on the restored AMC121 CPU by doing the following:

    1. To verify the Chassis Type, enter the following:

      # /usr/sbin/getChassisType

      On a 13U 16-slot system, this command returns 13U.  On a 13U 14-slot system, this command returns 14SLOT.

    2. If the Chassis Type is not set to the correct type, enter the following:

      # /usr/sbin/setChassisType -c <chassis type>
      Set Chassis Type to <chassis type>

      For example:

      # /usr/sbin/setChassisType -c 3U
      Set Chassis Type to 3U
  21. From the restored AMC121 CPU, make sure that this CPU can ping its carrier card.

    # ping -c 3
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.160 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.154 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.143 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2000ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.143/0.152/0.160/0.012 ms

To restore a complete system backup from a USB key on a single AMC121

  1. Login to the CPU.

    echo (slot number) > /opt/restore_identity

    For example, if the CPU is supposed to be slot 24, type the following:

    echo 24 > /opt/restore_identity
  2. Enter the following, and press ENTER.

    systemctl restart sonus-system

    The CPU restores the data and then reboot itself.


    The CPU restore can take up to 15 minutes.

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