The following section is only applicable to the DSC 8000 and the DSC SWe (on MA-RMS).

It is recommended that you do not use these ports when provisioning your DSC 8000 or the DSC VMs on the DSC SWe (on MA-RMS). These ports are used by the Ribbon Design Group for internal system configuration.

If you have any questions regarding the information provided in this technical note, contact Customer Support.

The following tables list and describe the reserved ports for standard applications and custom applications, respectively.

Reserved Ports on the DSC 8000 and the DSC SWe (on MA-RMS) -- standard applications

22 TCP Secure Shell Daemon (SSHD) Operating System (OS)
69 UDP Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) (xinetd) OS
80 TCP Hypertext Transfer Protocol Daemon (httpd) Standard port for hyper-text transport protocol
111 TCP vpcbind OS
111 UDP vpcbind OS
161 UDP snmpd OS
162 UDP snmpd OS
443 TCP httpd Secure connection established with user
514 UDP syslogd OS
694 UDP heartbeat OS
2040 TCP licensed License daemon
2042 TCP licensed License daemon
2044 TCP licensed License daemon
2046 TCP licensed License daemon
2904 SCTP Message Transfer Part (MTP) L2 connection local port for Message Transfer Part Level 2 User Adaptation (M2UA)
2905 SCTP Signaling Gateway Message Transfer Part Level 3 User Adaptation (M3UA)
2906 TCP Signaling Gateway Channel Identification Code (CIC)
3565 SCTP MTP MTP2 Peer-to-peer Adaptation (M2PA) Server
4005 TCP Message Transfer Part Level 2 (MTP2) L3 service (AMC348)
4055 SCTP MTP2 L3 service (AMC348)
4321 TCP slotmon Proxy
4322 TCP slotmon Application
6667 TCP pxbr Command Line Interface (CLI)
6668 TCP/IP pxbr Text user interface (UI) or Telecommunication Network Protocol (TELNET)
6669 TCP/IP pxbr TL1
7101 SCTP PCE LDL distribution
7103 TCP/IP PCE Proxy
7211 TCP/IP HWM Proxy on pci/cpci
7213 TCP/IP SEGway Link Replacement Proxy
7303 TCP/IP GWST Proxy
7313 TCP/IP HWM Proxy in CPC388
7319 TCP/IP MTP2 Proxy in CPC388
7321 SCTP MTP2 SCTP for MTP2 on CPC388
7377 TCP IMFProbe Integrated Monitoring Feed (IMF) probe
7401 TCP Intelligent Shelf Manager Hardware Monitor (ISMHWMON) Proxy on ISM
7411 TIPC switchom Proxy
7412 TIPC switchom LDL distribution
7777 TCP/IP Signaling Gateway Proxy
7779 TCP Python OS
79x1 TCP PCE GTT User Port
8002 TCP Level 4 Converter IP service (Signaling Gateway connection)
8003 TCP/IP Level 4 Converter Proxy

Signaling Network Activation Manager Interface

8618TCP/IPSNAMISignaling Network Activation Manager Interface
8912 TCP/IP pxbr Applet
8890TCPREpresentational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interface (API)

Reserved port for the REST API

DSC application GUI management interface through HTTPS

9103 TCP/IP GTT Proxy
9494 TCP/IP watchdog Dispatch and monitored applications
9595 TCP/IP Alarm panel (apm) Proxy
9696 UDP tspd OS
9803 TCP/IP User profiles Proxy
9970 to 9989 SCTP Statistics collector (sca) Agent connections
9983 TCP/IP Statistics collector (sca) Proxy
9993 TCP/IP pxbrConfig “Side” connection to pxbr
9995 SCTP pxbrConfig Proxy
14001 SCTP Signaling Gateway SCCP User Adaptation (SUA)
41x0, 251xx TCP/IP MTP User connection
41x1, 254xx SCTP MTP L2 connection local port
4103 TCP/IP MTP Proxy
255xx SCTP MTP L2 connection local port for ATM
49x0, 252xx TCP/IP Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) User connection
49x1, 253xx TCP/IP SCCP GTT user connection
4903 TCP/IP SCCP Proxy
256xx TCP PCE GTT User Port

Reserved Ports on the Ribbon Signaling System -- custom applications

9203 TCP/IP International Roaming Signaling Converter (IRSC) Proxy
9403 TCP/IP Calling Name Converter (CNAMC) Proxy