This section provides you with instructions for decommissioning an I/O card.

Refer to the procedures Installing System Cards and Extracting System Cards as required.

The screen outputs in this page are examples only and may show software versions other than the ones that are supported for this release; however, the procedure for decommissioning an I/O card is the same.

To decommission an I/O card

  1. From the Main Menu, select System, and press ENTER.

  2. Select Software Revisions, and press ENTER.

  3. Select IO Versions, and press ENTER.

    IO (current) AMC348  dsc_8000_18_1_0_nb20190917  OS: rel_12_00_p04.x511.img
       (Servicepack)     [none applied]
    IO (prev)    AMC348  dsc_8000_18_1_0_nb20190916  OS: rel_12_00_p04.x511.img
    RUNNING SOFTWARE VERSIONS (*=update required, ?=update unknown)
             CARD                   BUILD       SERVICE   O/S
    Slot  5   IO AMC348   18.1.0 (nb20190917) SP:    OS: rel_12_00_p04.x511.img
    (p=servicepack is partially applied)
    Select IO slot number (5) to begin decommissioning of individual card(s).
    Enter slot # or ENTER to cancel: 5
  4. Select the slot in which the I/O card you want to decommission appears.

    Note: flex_slot.conf file doesn't exist ... This is ok if the SDA is not configured on the system.
    Software Update for IO Card in Slot #5
    Determining running and current software version.  Please wait...
    Running on IO (slot5_0):
             -Load:        dsc_8000_18_1_0_nb20190916
             -OS:          rel_12_00_p04.x511.img
    Current IO version (on MGMT CPU):
             -Load:        dsc_8000_18_1_0_nb20190917
             -OS:          rel_12_00_p04.x511.img
             -Servicepack: [none applied]
    'd' - Decommission this IO card to prepare it for removal.
    Select action to take, or any other key to cancel:
  5. Type d, and press ENTER.

    Do you want to continue? [y/n]y
    Changing card type conf file. Please wait for a few seconds...
    IO card in slot 5 is decommissioned and ready for removal.
  6. Type y, and press ENTER. When the decommissioning process is completed, remove the card.

  7. Repeat steps 1 to 7 with any additional IO cards that should be decommissioned.

  8. Navigate to the Available Software Versions screen and confirm that the card(s) has been decommissioned.

    It is recommended that you perform a complete system backup (using a USB key). For more information, refer to Complete System Backup for DSC 8000.