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You can transfer files from one unit of a HA pair to the other (this comes in handy for large files that you may have to send over a slow VPN), using SCP and port 2024.
Beginning with release 3.1, file transfers must be performed using SFTP on port 2024. Use the following steps as a guide (default login/password is sftpadmin/sftpadmin):
Connect to target SBC. In this example, SBXa is the source and SBXb is the target SBC.
sftpadmin@SBXa$ sftp -oPort=2024 sftpadmin@SBXb Connecting to SBXb sftpadmin@SBXb's password: sftpadmin Connected to SBXb
Use the put command to transfer a file to the specified directory as shown in the example below.
sftp> put sbc-V03.01.00-R000.x86_64.tar.gz /opt/sonus/external
Create a Class of service BLOCK_COUNTRY_CODES. This will contain the country codes to block, and also not hit the "Non Subscriber" call blocking.
Associated this class of service with the trunk group that is originating the calls (that you wish to block calls to certain country codes)
% show profiles services classOfService BLOCK_COUNTRY_CODES screening { script ""; } blocking { service enable; entry "" 20 { callType internationalType; } entry "" 27 { callType internationalType; } } nonSubscriberCallTypeFiltering private,nationalOperator,localOperator,nationalType,internationalType ,internationalOperator,longDistanceOperator,ipVpnService,test,transit ,otherCarrierChosen,carrierCutThrough,userName,mobile; set addressContext default zone zonePublicTrunking sipTrunkGroup APBX5TEST policy services classOfService BLOCK_COUNTRY_CODES
To display all numbers:
admin@DFWNBS01a> show table global callRouting route
To display numbers to a certain route label:
admin@DFWNBS01a> > show table global callRouting route routingLabel TO_BLUECARRIER CALL TIME PARAMETER ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ROUTING DESTINATION DESTINATION CALL DIGIT RANGE FILTER DOMAIN ROUTING TYPE ID1 ID2 TYPE NATIONAL COUNTRY TYPE TYPE PROFILE PROFILE NAME LABEL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- trunkGroup BLUECARRIER BASSBC01 standard 9723014999 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL TO_BLUECARRIER trunkGroup BLUECARRIER BASSBC01 standard 9723014111 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL TO_BLUECARRIER trunkGroup CISCOCORE BASSBC01 standard Sonus_NULL 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL TO_BLUECARRIER trunkGroup TIHO_TRK BASSBC01 standard Sonus_NULL 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL TO_BLUECARRIER
To display a specific number:
admin@DFWNBS01a> show table global callRouting route trunkGroup BLUECARRIER BASSBC01 standard 9723014999 CALL TIME PARAMETER ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ROUTING DESTINATION DESTINATION CALL DIGIT RANGE FILTER DOMAIN ROUTING TYPE ID1 ID2 TYPE NATIONAL COUNTRY TYPE TYPE PROFILE PROFILE NAME LABEL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- trunkGroup BLUECARRIER BASSBC01 standard 9723014999 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL TO_BLUECARRIER
You can also do a search from the EMA GUI. To view the Routing workspace, see Call Routing: System Provisioning - Routing.
admin@DFWNBS01a> show status addressContext default zone zonePublicTrunking trunkGroupStatus trunkGroupStatus APBX5TEST { state inService; totalCallsAvailable50; totalCallsInboundReserved0; inboundCallsUsage0; outboundCallsUsage0; totalCallsConfigured50; priorityCallUsage0; totalOutboundCallsReserved 0; bwCurrentLimit-1; bwAvailable-1; bwInboundUsage0; bwOutboundUsage0; packetOutDetectStatenormal; } trunkGroupStatus TKSOFTWARE { state inService; totalCallsAvailable10; totalCallsInboundReserved0; inboundCallsUsage0; outboundCallsUsage0; totalCallsConfigured10; priorityCallUsage0; totalOutboundCallsReserved 0; bwCurrentLimit-1; bwAvailable-1; bwInboundUsage0; bwOutboundUsage0; packetOutDetectStatenormal; }
You can view the trunk group configuration data using the CLI.
admin@DFWNBS01a> show table addressContext default zone zonePublicTrunking sipTrunkGroup APBX5TEST state enabled; mode inService; policy { carrier0000; country1; sipDomain""; localizationVariant northAmerica; digitParameterHandling { numberingPlanNANP_ACCESS; ingressDmPmRule ""; egressDmPmRule""; } callRouting { elementRoutingPriority DEFAULT_IP; } media { packetServiceProfile pspMediaRelay; } services { classOfService BLOCK_COUNTRY_CODES; } signaling { ipSignalingProfile PBX_SIP; } } cac { callLimit 50; } signaling { methods { message reject; publish reject; subscribe reject; notify reject; info reject; register reject; update reject; } } media { mediaIpInterfaceGroupName customerPublic; }
Check following:
This mechanism can be used to speed up the process of configuring the SBC. A script file can be prepared (based on specific data from other existing systems) and then imported into the SBC. For example you could create a trunk group and routable numbers for one particular customer in one script file. You then import this script, and the customer is fully provisioned and ready to go.
The ".cli" file contains CLI commands, exactly of the same format as typing in the commands from the CLI. It should be in text format only. Note that the default behavior of the system is to interpret "spaces" as a request for auto-completion, so that extra spaces in your ".cli" file will cause errors. You can turn this function off by using the CLI command:
> set complete-on-space false
See example CLI script to create a new trunk group and routing information "CLI Script Creates Trunk Group and Routes" on page Reference Configuration.
You must put in the full routing data involving the number to delete it via the CLI.
admin@DFWNBS01a% delete global callRouting route none Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL standard 2144761510 1 all all ALL none Sonus_NULL
The trunk group must be disabled and out of service before you can delete it.
admin@SBC01a% set addressContext default zone zonePublicTrunking sipTrunkGroup "PURDUERES_7655883470 " state disabled mode outOfService admin@SBC01a% commit admin@SBC01a% delete addressContext default zone zonePublicTrunking sipTrunkGroup "PURDUERES_7655883470 " admin@SBC01a% commit
You may need to send Globalized numbers out to a carrier trunk group, while stripping the +1 off calls that are sent to PBX trunk groups. This is accomplished via the trunk groups IP Signaling Profile. Within the IP signaling profile there is a Globalization profile. On the trunk group that needs Globalization, the IP signaling profile should contain a Globalization Profile that enables globalization. On the trunk group that globalization should not occur, a different IP Signaling profile is needed (one that has a Globalization profile that disables globalization).
You can also remove the numberGlobalizatoinProfile from the IP signaling profile that does not need Globalization (if you did not need any of the settings).
Trunk group example:
Associate an IP Signaling Profile which has Globallization Profile turned off to the trunk group.
% set addressContext default zone zonePublicTrunking sipTrunkGroup DECA_3175672646 policy signaling ipSignalingProfile PBX_SIP % commit
Verify change, where NO_GLOBAL is a profile that does not globalize any numbers.
> show configuration profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile PBX_SIP egressIpAttributes { numberGlobalizationProfile NO_GLOBAL; flags { bgcfTargetSchemeTransparency disable; > show configuration profiles signaling numberGlobalizationProfile NO_GLOBAL entry calledNumber { digitType all; countryCodeSource destination; globalize disable; }
(the above results are shortened for brevity)
Check the states of these ports after initial system configuration to ensure the fibers are installed correctly and the two units are communicating.
admin@SBC01a> show status system highAvailabilityPort status DFWNBS01a haPort1 { macAddress 00:10:1b:01:11:1c; ipAddress; negotiatedSpeed speed1000Mbps; oosReason na;
The SBC can cache Registration information by turning on the Trunk Group field "Require Registration". It is often useful to display the users that have successfully Registered.
% show status addressContext default sipRegCountStatistics % show status addressContext default sipActiveRegNameStatus
Sometimes it is handy to test IP connectivity from the various interfaces on the SBC platform. Use the Ping utility from the EMA:
In the above example, IP addresses are intentionally blurred.
On the SBC Application (accessed by the EMA and the CLI), various types of users are predefined. Each type of user has different capabilities. Please see Managing SBC Core Users and Accounts for details.
To add a new user or reset password from the EMA GUI, perform following:
To add a new user from CLI:
% set oam localAuth user <user_name> group <group_name>
Some customers may require that all default passwords are changed. The default passwords and method to change them are described at Managing SBC Core Users and Accounts.
To check the range of ports that used for media:
admin@SBC01A > show configuration system media mediaPortRange baseUdpPort baseUdpPort 1024; admin@SBC01B > show configuration system media mediaPortRange maxUdpPort maxUdpPort 65148;
You can set up to transfer CDR to an off board SFTP server on a regular basis, for example once per hour.
admin@DALNBS01a> show table oam accounting cdrServer admin
Set up the duration for the accounting logs to rollover to the next file (for example 60 minutes).
admin@DALNBS01a> show table oam eventLog typeAdmin acct
Check the status of the transfer:
admin@DALNBS01a> show table oam accounting cdrServer s
As a best practice, Sonus recommends configuring one signaling port per zone. The SBC chooses a port (usually the first port) in the zone for outbound connections. However, the SBC cannot enforce the use of a specific signaling port within the zone to initiate a call on a trunk group. The trunk is assigned to a zone and not to a signaling port in the configuration model. To associate a unique source port for each trunk group, create separate zones defining a single signaling port per zone.
The ERE returns up to 10 routes. If more than 10 routing label routes are created, only the first 10 in-service routes are returned.
The SBC writes CDRs locally, and simply transfers them using SFTP to the CDR server (for example, DSI L0 server) based on the IP address listed in CDR server settings on the SBC. If you replace the CDR server with another server, but maintain the same IP address and user settings, no change is needed on the SBC.
The SBC uses Transparent Inter-process Communication (TIPC) to monitor several processes and applications running on the opposite server.
The top command returns the sum of CPU utilization by all threads within a process. The SBC is a multi-core system, and the process in question is utilizing more than one core. For more accurate results, use top –Hcommand to see process utilization per core/thread.
Yes! You can view both configured values and defaults using the 'show' command. First, turn on default values setting using the following 'set' command:
set show defaults true
Next, enter your 'show configuration' command:
show configuration <one or more list objects>
Refer to CLI System-Level Mode for details.
NO! SBC Core is a closed network device. Customer modifications at the Linux level are not allowed or supported. These modifications can cause stability, update and fail-over issues on SBC platform. Customers must ONLY configure the SBC using the supported interfaces(CLI, REST, EMA, EMS).
As a best practice, issue a commit
command after each group of approximately 10 set
commands are entered.
Login to the EMA and navigate to Administration > Users and Application Management > User Management window and view User Sessions table.
The ERE does not limit the number of DM/PM rules.
Currently, the SBC only supports one one primary and one secondary CDR server.
The OIDs are indexes in the MIB tables, and indexes are not readable using SNMP GET requests. The SNMP GETNEXT requests are used to find out what indexes are currently present in the MIB tables. For more information, refer to the section How to Retrieve Sonus Enterprise MIB OIDs.