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About this Resource


Defines a remote BRI Port resource on the Sonus SBC 1000/2000 system.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Service Affecting Data Type Default Value Possible Values Description
ConfigIEStateNoYesEnum1Possible values:
  • 0 - esDISABLED
  • 1 - esENABLED
Specifies the Administrative State of the resource.
PortNameYesNostringnone128 - Max LengthSpecifies the string name of the Port.
PortAliasNoNostringnone20 - Max LengthSpecifies an alias name for the port for easy identification.
PortDescriptionNoNostringnone64 - Max LengthSpecifies a description for easy identification when being selected in Signaling Groups
PortTerminationYesYesEnum1Possible values:
  • 0 - btFalse
  • 1 - btTrue
Controls the termination of the port. An S/T bus needs to be terminated at both ends. One end would be the NT device, and the other end would be the last TE device on the bus. When the Sonus SBC 1000/2000 system is software configured as an NT (connecting to a PBX), termination should always be Enabled (default). For NT/Network side from the ISDN Signaling Group only Enabled is valid. When the Sonus SBC 1000/2000 is software configured as a TE device (connecting to an NT1), termination is Enabled (default) when making a point-to-point connection between the TE port and the NT1. If other TE devices are sharing the bus of the Sonus SBC system going to the NT1, termination on the TE port should be Disabled.


rt_PortAlarmStatus rt_PortAssertAlarmType rt_PortLoopbackTypePossible values:
  • 0 - pplsNone
  • 1 - pplsInactiveF1
  • 2 - pplsSensingF2
  • 3 - pplsDeactivatedF3
  • 4 - pplsAwaitingSignalF4
  • 5 - pplsIdentifyingInputF5
  • 6 - pplsSynchronizedF6
  • 7 - pplsActivatedF7
  • 8 - pplsLostFramingF8
  • 9 - pplsDeactivatedG1
  • 10 - pplsPendingActivationG2
    Parameter Name Description Data Type Possible Values Description
    rt_PortOperatorStatus Indicates operational status of the port. EnumPossible values:
    • 0 - psUp
    • 1 - psDown
    rt_PortAlarmStatusDisplays the alarm Indicates operational status of the this port.EnumPossible values:
    • 0 - pasNormal
    • 1 - pasYellow
    • 2 - pasBlue
    • 3 - pasRedLOS
    • 4 - pasRedLOF
    • 5 - pasRelayPassThrough
    rt_PortAssertAlarmTypeDisplays the assert alarm status type of this port.EnumPossible values:
    • 0 - apatYellow
    • 1 - apatRed
    • 2 - apatNormal
    rt_PortLoopbackTypeDisplays the assert alarm type of this loop back status of the port.EnumPossible values:
    • 0 - pltLocal
    • 1 - pltRemote
    • 2 - pltLine
    • 3 - pltPayload
    • 4 - pltNone
    Displays the loop back status of the port.
    rt_PortTimeatLastOperStatusChange Indicates the last time (in epoch) when the operational status of the port changed. int
  • 11 - pplsActivatedG3
  • 12 - pplsPendingDeactivationG4
  • Indicates the physical states that are applicable to TE configured BRI port as F1-F8. The Normal state for TE port is represented as "F7 Activated". It also indicates the physical states that are applicable to NT configured BRI port as G1-G4. The Normal state for NT port is represented as "G3 Activated". Default is set to "None" when the BRI port is not applied to any ISDN Signaling Groups.
    EnumPossible values:
    • 0 - pplsNone
    • 1 - pplsInactiveF1
    • 2 - pplsSensingF2
    • 3 - pplsDeactivatedF3
    • 4 - pplsAwaitingSignalF4
    • 5 - pplsIdentifyingInputF5
    • 6 - pplsSynchronizedF6
    • 7 - pplsActivatedF7
    • 8 - pplsLostFramingF8
    • 9 - pplsDeactivatedG1
    • 10 - pplsPendingActivationG2
    • 11 - pplsActivatedG3
    • 12 - pplsPendingDeactivationG4


    Description rt_PortDataValid
    Parameter Name Description Data Type Possible Values
    rt_PortSignalingTypeDisplays the signaling type of the port.EnumPossible values:
    • 0 - pstISDN
    • 1 - pstCAS
    Displays the signaling type of the port.
    rt_PortDataValid Indicates which of the returned counters indicate valid data. EnumPossible values:
    • 0 - prtDataNotValid
    • 1 - prtDS1DataValid
    • 2 - prtHDLCDataValid
    • 3 - prtDS1andHDLCDataValid
    • 4 - prtAllDataValid
    Indicates which of the returned counters indicate valid data.
    rt_PortFrameErrorsDisplays the number of Frame Errors detected on this port.long
    rt_PortCurrentSeverelyErroredFramingsecondsDisplays the number of Severely Errored Seconds in framing detected on this port.long
    rt_PortCurrentContolledRxSlipPositivesDisplays the number of Controlled Receive Slip Positives Errors detected on this port.long
    rt_PortCurrentContolledRxSlipNegativesDisplays the number of Controlled Receive Slip Negatives Errors detected on this port.long
    rt_PortCurrentContolledTxSlipPositivesDisplays the number of Controlled Transmit Slip Positives Errors detected on this port.long
    rt_PortCurrentContolledTxSlipNegativesDisplays the number of Controlled Transmit Slip Negatives Errors detected on this port.long
    rt_PortCurrentLineErroredSecondsDisplays the number of Errored Seconds in the line detected on this port.long
    rt_PortCurrentPathCodeViolationsDisplays the number of Path Code Violations detected on this port.long
    rt_PortCurrentLineCodeViolationsDisplays the number of Line Code Violations detected on this port.long
    rt_PortExcessiveZeroesDisplays the number of Excessive Zeroes detected on this port.long
    rt_PortBipolarviolations Displays the number of Bipolar Violations detected on this port.long
    rt_PortBurstyErrorSecondsDisplays the number of Bursty Errored Seconds detected on this port.long
    rt_PortNormalErrorSecondsDisplays the number of Normal Errored Seconds detected on this port.long
    rt_PortUnavailableSecondsDisplays the number of Unavailable Seconds detected on this port.long
    rt_PortRxBusy Displays the number of Receive Busy Errors detected on this port.long
    rt_PortTxNoValidData Displays the number of Transmit No Valid Data Errors detected on this port.long
    rt_PortRxFramesDisplays the number of received frames on this port.long
    rt_PortRxBytesDisplays the number of received bytes on this port.long
    rt_PortRxAbortsDisplays the number of Receive Aborts Errors detected on this port.long
    rt_PortRxNonOctetsDisplays the number of Receive Non-Octets Errors detected on this port.long
    rt_PortRxCRCErrorsDisplays the number of Receive CRC Errors detected on this port. long
    rt_PortRxOverrunsDisplays the number of Receive Overruns Errors detected on this port. long
    rt_PortRxHwErrorsDisplays the number of Receive Hardware Errors detected on this port. long
    rt_PortRxBadAddressDisplays the number of Receive Bad Address Errors detected on this port.long
    rt_PortRxCDLostDisplays the number of Receive CD Lost Errors detected on this port.long
    rt_PortRxNoBufferDisplays the number of Receive No Buffer Errors detected on this port.long
    rt_PortRxInternalTableOverflow Displays the number of Receive Internal Table Overflow Errors detected on this port.long
    rt_PortRxMaxBacklog Displays the number of Receive Max Backlog Errors detected on this port..long
    rt_PortTxFramesDisplays the number of transmitted frames on this port.long
    rt_PortTxBytesDisplays the number of transmitted bytes on this port.long
    rt_PortTxUnderrunsDisplays the number of transmitted underruns on this port.long
    rt_PortTxCollisionsDisplays the number of transmitted collisions on this port.long
    rt_PortTxInvalidDataDisplays the number of Transmit Invalid Data Errors detected on this port.long
    rt_PortTxInternalTableOverflow Displays the number of Transmit Internal Table Overflow Errors detected on this port.long
    rt_PortTxMaxBacklog Displays the number of Transmit Max Backlog Errors detected on this port.long
    rt_PortRxCountDisplays the number of recieved frames on this port.long
    rt_PortRxICountDisplays the number of received I (information) frames on this port.long
    rt_PortRxSCount Displays the number of received S (supervisor) frames on this port.long
    rt_PortRxUNCountDisplays the number of received UN (unnumbered) frames on this port.long
    rt_PortRxUADisplays the number of received UA (unnumbered ack) messages on this port.long
    rt_PortRxSABMEDisplays the number of received SABME (Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended) messages on this port.long
    rt_PortRxDISCDisplays the number of received DISC (disconnect) messages on this port.long
    rt_PortRxDMDisplays the number of received DM (disconnected mode) messages on this port.long
    rt_PortRxFRMRDisplays the number of received FRMR (frame reject) messages on this port.long
    rt_PortRxRR Displays the number of received RR (receive ready) messages on this port.long
    rt_PortRxRNRDisplays the number of received RNR (receive not ready) messages on this port.long
    rt_PortRxREJDisplays the number of recieved REJ (reject) messages on this port.long
    rt_PortRxEstReqDisplays the number of times this port was in established request state.long
    rt_PortRxRelReqDisplays the number of times this port was in release request state.long
    rt_PortRxDataReqDisplays the number of times this port was in data request state.long
    rt_PortTxCountDisplays the number of transmitted frames on this port.long
    rt_PortTxCountBusy Displays the number of transmitted busy frames on this port.long
    rt_PortTxUADisplays the number of transmitted UA (unnumbered ack) messages on this port.long
    rt_PortTxSABMEDisplays the number of transmitted SABME (Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended) messages on this port.long
    rt_PortTxDISCDisplays the number of transmitted DISC (disconnect) messages on this port.long
    rt_PortTxDMDisplays the number of transmitted DM (disconnected mode) messages on this port.long
    rt_PortTxFRMRDisplays the number of transmitted FRMR (frame reject) messages on this port.long
    rt_PortTxRR Displays the number of transmitted RR (receive ready) messages on this port.long
    rt_PortTxRNRDisplays the number of transmitted RNR (receive not ready) messages on this port.long
    rt_PortTxREJDisplays the number of transmitted REJ (reject) messages on this port.long
    rt_PortTxICountDisplays the number of transmitted I (information) messages on this port.long
    rt_PortLinkDownCountDisplays the number of link DOWNs on this
    rt_PortLinkUpCountDisplays the number of link UPs on this
    rt_PortLineStatusChangeTrapEnableDisplays whether the trap for status change is enabled on this
    rt_PortSeverelyErroredSecondsDisplays the number of severely errored seconds on this
    rt_PortDegradedMinutesDisplays the number of degraded minutes on this
    rt_PortControlledSlipSecondsDisplays the number of seconds containing one or more controlled slips on this
    rt_PortCurrentActiveCallsDisplays the number of active calls currently on this
    rt_PortTotalCallsProcessedDisplays the total number of calls on this
    rt_PortTotalErroredCallsDisplays the total number of errored calls on this
    rt_PortTotalRefusedCallsDisplays the total number of refused calls on this
    rt_PortTotalConnectedCallsDisplays the total number of calls connected on this
    rt_PortTotalBlockedCallsDisplays the total number of blocked calls on this
    rt_PortIncomingCallattemptsDisplays the number of incoming calls attempted on this
    rt_PortIncomingCallacceptsDisplays the number of incoming calls that were accepted on this
    rt_PortIncomingCallrejectsDisplays the number of incoming calls that were rejected on this
    rt_PortIncomingCallcompletesDisplays the number of incoming calls that were completed on this
    rt_PortIncomingBlockedCallsDisplays the number of incoming calls that were blocked on this
    rt_PortIncomingCurrentCallsDisplays the number of current incoming calls on this
    rt_PortOutgoingCallattemptsDisplays the number of outgoing calls attempted on this
    rt_PortOutgoingCallacceptsDisplays the number of outgoing calls accepted on this
    rt_PortOutgoingCallrejectsDisplays the number of outgoing calls rejected on this
    rt_PortOutgoingCallcompletesDisplays the number of outgoing calls completed on this
    rt_PortOutgoingBlockedCallsDisplays the number of outgoing calls blocked on this
    rt_PortOutgoingCurrentCallsDisplays the number of current outgoing calls on this
    rt_PortCountersLastResetTimeDisplays the last reset time of the counters on this
    rt_PortCountersPullTimeDisplays the time(in epoch-seconds)at which the counters pull happened on this
    rt_BusyHourCallAttemptsDisplays the BHCA rate for this
    rt_BusyHourCallCompletionsDisplays the BHCC rate for this