Labelled content
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sonusCpCdrServerTransferSucceededNotification - INFORMATIONAL (SBC Core 9.2.x Documentation)
sonusSbxLvmPrgLinkFailureToggleNotification - MAJOR (SBC Core 9.2.x Documentation)
sonusSbxLvmPrgSwitchoverToRecoverLinksNotification - MAJOR (SBC Core 9.2.x Documentation)
sonusSbxLvmPrgLinkFailureToggleClearedNotification - MAJOR (SBC Core 9.2.x Documentation)
sonusIPv6DuplicateManualReviewNoRebootNotification - MAJOR (SBC Core 9.2.x Documentation)
sonusIPv6DuplicateManualReviewRebootingNotification - MAJOR (SBC Core 9.2.x Documentation)
Internal SIP Cause Map Profile - CLI (SBC Core 9.2.x Documentation)