In this section:

Use this feature to configure specific SIP response codes to particular internal SIP request rejections from a SIP Service Group.  

Command Syntax

% set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping internalSipCauseMapProfile <profile_name> causeMap
	    congestionPolicing sipCause <300-606>
		dnsRcodeError sipCause <300-606>
    	otherReqRatePolicing sipCause <300-606>
		PeerBidirectionalBlocked sipCause <300-606>
		PeerIncomingBlocked sipCause <300-606>
		PeerInDisabledstate sipCause <300-606>
		PeerOutgoingBlocked sipCause <300-606>
		PeerOutofService sipCause <300-606>
    	regRatePolicing sipCause <300-606>
	    regTGLimit sipCause <300-606>
    	regTimeout sipCause <300-606>
	    subsEndPointRatePolicing sipCause <300-606>
    	subsRatePolicing sipCause <300-606>
	    subsTGLimit sipCause <300-606>
		TGCallLimit sipCause <300-606>
	    TGIngressCallLimit sipCause <300-606>
    	TGEgressCallLimit sipCause <300-606>
	    TGIngressCallRate sipCause <300-606>
    	TGEgressCallRate sipCause <300-606>	
		TrunkGroupBidrectionalBlocked sipCause <300-606>
		TrunkGroupIncomingBlocked sipCause <300-606>
		TrunkGroupInDisabled sipCause <300-606>
		TrunkGroupOutgoingBlocked sipCause <300-606>
		TrunkGroupOutofService sipCause <300-606>
	sipCause <300-606> - SIP Cause value for the Internal cause value.
	sipCauseText <string: 0-127 chars> - Internal Sip Cause text that used in error response to reject the Request.

Use following CLI syntax to attach an Internal SIP Cause Map profile to a SIP trunk group.

% set addressContext <addressContext_name> zone <zone_name> sipTrunkGroup <TG_NAME> signaling causeCodeMapping sipInternalCauseMappingProfile <profile_name> 

Use following CLI syntax to attach an Internal SIP Cause Map profile to a zone.

% set addressContext default zone INGRESS_ZONE causeCodeMapping                                                                            

Possible completions:
 sipInternalCauseMappingProfile - The name of internal cause to SIP mapping profile                                          

% set addressContext default zone INGRESS_ZONE causeCodeMapping sipInternalCauseMappingProfile <sipInternalCauseMappingProfile> 

Modified: for 9.2.2

The SBC supports a configurable SIP response code for each type of CAC rejection at various levels so that the operator can differentiate between the types of failures. Operators are able to map the different categories of CAC specific internal CPC cause codes to a SIP error response code. Use the following syntax to map different categories: 

% set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping internalSipCauseMapProfile <profile_name> causeMap internalCause
    TGCallLimit sipCause <300-606>
    TGIngressCallLimit sipCause <300-606>
    TGEgressCallLimit sipCause <300-606>
    TGIngressCallRate sipCause <300-606>
    TGEgressCallRate sipCause <300-606>

Command Parameters

The Internal SIP Cause Mapping Profile Parameters are shown below:

Internal SIP Cause Map Profile Parameters






<profile name> – Internal SIP Cause Map Profile name.



Use this object to configure the Cause Map to attach to this Internal SIP Cause Map Profile.

  • internalCause <cause map enumeration>Use this object to configure custom SIP cause response codes.. 
    Refer to the table Cause Map Enumerations for SIP cause codes.
  • sipCause <value> – Specifies the response code to use when a received SIP message other than an INVITE or a REGISTER is rejected due to congestion in the SBC.
    Range: 300-600
  •  sipCauseText <string> – Specifies the Internal SIP Cause text that is used in the Reason Header of the error response to reject the SUBSCRIBE Request.
    Length: 0-127 characters.

Cause Map Enumerations






sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when an initial SUBSCRIBE request is rejected due to Adaptive Overload Control.

This internal cause code is mapped to 503 by default, and a Retry-After header is added to it. The Retry-After value is randomized between 'retryAfterMin' and 'retryAfterMax' values.


300-6060 sipCause <value> – SIP cause code to allow 500 and 503 error code mapping to a configurable response code.
otherReqRatePolicing300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code when a message rate other than REGISTER or SUBSCRIBE exceeds IP trunk group's maximum configured value.
peerBidirectionalBlocked300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the peer has the bidirectional blocked.
peerinDisabledState300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the peer is in disabled state.
peerIncomingBlocked300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the peer has the incoming calls blocked.
peerOutgoingBlocked300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the peer has the outgoing calls blocked.
peerOutofService300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the peer is out-of-service.
regRatePolicing300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code when REGISTER message rate exceeds IP trunk group's maximum configured value.
regTGLimit300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code when current REGISTRATION exceeds IP trunk group's maximum registration limit.
regTimeout300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code from REGISTER request timeout.
subsEndPointRatePolicing300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code to map SUBSCRIBE Endpoint CAC default error response.
subsRatePolicing300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code when SUBSCRIBE message rate exceeds IP trunk group's maximum configured value.
subsTGLimit300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code when current Subscription on IP trunk group exceeds maximum configuration limit.
tGCallLimit300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the trunk group level Call limit is exceeded.
tGIngressCallLimit300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the trunk group Ingress level Call limit is exceeded.
tGEgressCallLimit300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the trunk group Egress level Call limit is exceeded.
tGIngressCallRate300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the trunk group Ingress level Call Rate is exceeded.
tGEgressCallRate300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the trunk group Egress level Call Rate is exceeded.
trunkGroupBidirectionalBlocked300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the trunk group has the bidrectional calls blocked.
trunkGroupinDisabled300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the trunk group is in disabled state.
trunkGroupIncomingblocked300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the trunk group has the incoming calls blocked.
trunkGroupOutgoingblocked300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the trunk group has the outgoing calls blocked.
trunkGroupOutofService300-6060sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the trunk group is out-of-service.

sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the trunk group level Call limit is exceeded.


sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the trunk group Ingress level Call limit is exceeded.

TGEgressCallLimit 300-6060

sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the trunk group Egress level Call limit is exceeded.

TGIngressCallRate 300-6060

sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the trunk group Ingress level Call Rate is exceeded.

TGEgressCallRate  300-6060

sipCause <value> – SIP cause code used when the trunk group Egress level Call Rate is exceeded.