In this section:

Configuring the DHCP Server IPv6

This section outlines how to configure the DHCP server IPv6.

To Configure the DHCP Server IPv6

  1. Choose Network > DHCP > V6.

  2. Configure settings using the information in the following table as a guide. When you have finished configuring settings, click Submit to make your changes take effect.

    DHCP Server IPv6 Parameters



    Selects a network to configure for DHCP if multiple networks are configured on the system.

    DHCP IP Address Ranges

    Shows the dynamic addresses to use for the LAN devices. Refer to Manage DHCP IPv4 Address Ranges.

    Add a DHCP Range

    Configures individual DHCP IP addresses or a range of addresses and assigns static IP addresses for any common-access devices, such as printers or fax machines.

    DHCP Settings

    Configures the DHCP IPV6 server.


    Subnet Mask

    Describes the Subnet and Subnet Mask addresses for the DHCP pool if multiple networks are configured on the system (view only).

    If multiple networks are configured on the system, select which network to configure for DHCP from the Subnet drop-down list.

    Test for other

    DHCP Servers

    Click the Test button to search for additional DHCP servers configured on the system. Only one DHCP server can be enabled on a network at a time.

    Enable DHCP Server

    Select the Enable DHCP Server checkbox to enable the DHCP server.

    Default Lease Duration (Days)

    Enter the default number of days to lease the DHCP service for your system. The default is 7 days.

    Max Lease Duration (Days)

    Enter the maximum number of days to lease the DHCP service for your system. The default is 30 days.

    Primary DNS

    Enter the address of a Domain Name Server (DNS). If none is specified, the system DNS addresses is used.

    Secondary DNS

    Enter the address of a secondary DNS.
    NTP Server

    Enter the address of a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.

    Default DNS Server

    Default Gateway

    Describes current DNS and default gateway settings (view only).

  3. In the Add a DHCP range window:

    1. Enter a DHCP range in the Start IP Address and End IP Address fields.

    2. Click Add.

    3. To delete a DHCP range, select the desired entry and click Delete.

  4. Select the Enable DHCP Server checkbox to enable the DHCP IPv6 server.

  5. Enter the number of days you want to lease the DHCP service in the Default Lease Duration (Days) field. Enter a minimum of one day to a maximum of 30 days (recommended).

  6. Enter the maximum number of days for the DHCP lease to be valid on your system in the Max Lease Duration (Days) field.

  7. In the Primary DNS field, enter the address of a Domain Name Server (DNS). If none is specified, the system DNS addresses is used.

  8. In the Secondary DNS field, enter the address of a secondary DNS.

  9. Enter the NTP server address in the NTP Server Address (option 42) field.

  10. Click Submit.

  11. Proceed to Configuring DHCPv6 Leases.

Configuring DHCPv6 Leases

This section outlines how to configure DHCPv6 leases.

To Configure DHCPv6 Leases

  1. Choose Network > DHCP > V6 > DHCP Leases.

  2. In the Maximum Leases displayed (50-1000) field, enter the maximum number of leases to display and click Submit.

  3. To delete a DHCP lease from the DHCP Leases table, select checkboxes for the entries you want to delete. Click All to choose all the entries or None to clear your selections.

  4. Click Delete Selected.

  5. To delete all entries, click Delete All DHCP Leases.


    When deleting DHCP lease entries, the DHCP server is restarted. During this brief moment, hosts cannot obtain a DHCP IP address.