In this section:


The SBC SWe Edge is a Microsoft-certified virtualized Session Border Controller (SBC) designed to provide small and mid-sized businesses interworking, security, and survivability for unified communications. The SBC SWe Edge is available for deployment in AWS as a BYOL (Bring Your Own License); it will be created as a virtual machine (VM) hosted in AWS. 

These instructions include how to configure and deploy the SBC SWe Edge in an AWS  teams client on site via SIP trunk. All configuration commands are via AWS.

SBC SWe Edge in AWS - Network Topology

Step 1:  Review Prerequisites

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Subscription

An Amazon Web Services (AWS) subscription is required. Refer to Amazon AWS.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) VM Created by the  SBC SWe Edge Requirements.

This section details the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud computing requirements for hosting the SBC SWe Edge VM andSBC SWe Edge related resources.

AWS Requirements for SBC SWe Edge Virtual Machines

AWS Virtual Machine RequirementsRefer to Virtual Machine Requirements - AWS.
Virtual Subnet

Hosts the SBC SWe Edge IP addresses.


SBC SWe Edge supports 2 to 5 Network Interfaces that require separate subnets.

Public IP Address

Dynamic Public IP address associated with a Public FQDN for Management Port.

Static Public IP address for Media Port.

Step 2: Deploy SBC SWe Edge from AWS

The steps below detail how to deploy an SBC SWe Edge from AWS.


For instruction purposes, the screen captures are shown for a deployment with new resources; fields required for a deployment with existing resources are noted.

  1. Access the Ribbon web page, here:
  2. Enter the required information and click Submit. Ribbon will then email you the following two AWS CloudFormation URLs for deploying an SBC SWe Edge to the email address you entered. 
    1. New Resources
    2. Reuse Existing Resources
  3. Copy the desired URL from the Ribbon email (template for deploying with new resources or existing resources).
  4. Access the AWS Management Console.
  5. In the Find Services box, type Cloud Formation.
  6. Click Create Stack and select one of the following templates:
    1. With New resources (standard). This creates a new end-to-end installation of a VPC. All resources are created.
    2. With Existing resources (import resources). This reuses an existing VPC and reuses all existing subnet resources.

  7. Under Specify template, in the Amazon S3 URL field, paste the URL copied from the Ribbon web page (this is the template AWS uses to create the SBC SWe Edge).

  8. Click Next.

  9. In the Specify stack details screen, configure the fields using the table below for guidance.

    Specify stack details - Field Definitions

    Stack name

    Name for the deployment (i.e., Custom SBC SWe Edge)

    Instance Type

    The size of the VM. Available options:

    • t3.small - Max calls 30
    • c5.large - Max calls 120
    • c5.xlarge - Max calls 500
    VPC ID

    From the drop down list, select a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) from the drop down list.

    NOTE: This field displayed only when using the Existing Resources template.

    Management Subnet

    From the drop down list, select a SubnetId of an existing Subnet on the VPC for Admin.

    NOTE: This field displayed only when using the Existing Resources template.

    Signaling & Media Interface 1 Subnet

    From the drop down list, select a SubnetId of an existing subnet on the VPC for Ethernet 1.

    NOTE: This field displayed only when using the Existing Resources template.

    Signaling & Media Interface 2 Subnet

    From the drop down list, select a SubnetID of an existing subnet on the VPC for Ethernet 2.

    NOTE: This field displayed only when using the Existing Resources template.

    Management Client Remote IP AddressClick on Access the IP number and enter in this box.
    For the Public IP address on Admin

    If you do not set to Yes, you will only be able to manage the SBC SWe Edge from the computer inside your virtual network in the Cloud.

    Web User Interface Password

    Password for the SBC SWe Edge WebUI.

    Confirm Web User Interface Password

    Confirm password for the SBC SWe Edge WebUI.

    Host Name

    Host applied to the SBC SWe Edge.

    Domain Name

    Domain used by the SBC SWe Edge (i.e., SBC).

  10. Click Next.
  11. In the Configure stack options screen, leave the default configuration for all fields.
  12. Click Next. A summary of the stack configuration is listed.

  13. Review the deployment summary information.

  14. Click Create Stack. The events for the VM displays. Click the Refresh icon to view updated events for creating the deploying items for the SBC SWe Edge.
    The process is complete when the status for the SBC SWe Edge you created reads CREATE_COMPLETE.

    The SBC SWe Edge's cloud-init process executes the SBC SWe Edge and sends the initial setup information to the VM, which finalizes the SBC SWe Edge instance.

  15. In the CloudFormation list, from the stack list, click on the newly create SBC SWe Edge in the output list.
  16. From the main menu bar, click on Outputs. There are two IP addresses listed:
    1. SbcSWeLiteIp. IP address used to manage the SBC SWe Edge via WebUI.
    2. TeamsPublicIp. IP address used for Microsoft Teams.


      Validation checks take place during the deployment process. If the SBC SWe Edge instance fails to create, the Outputs screen displays the reason for the failure in the Description field.

  17. To connect to the SBC SWe Edge's Web UI (used to manage the SBC SWe Edge), paste the SbcSWeLiteIp value (from the Outputs screen) into an internet browser.

  18. Upon login, use the credentials you provided during the deployment process. Deployment is complete.

Step 3: License Installation

Trial License Installation

If you are installing an SBC SWe Edge instance in AWS for a trial or demonstration deployment, you can use the 30 day trial license that is included with SBC SWe Edge in AWS by default. If your trial or demonstration deployment lasts for more than 30 days, proceed to Obtaining and Installing a Permanent SBC SWe Edge Trial License. For more information, refer to SBC SWe Edge Trial Offer for Public Cloud Deployment.

Production License Installation

If you are installing an SBC SWe Edge instance to carry live/production enterprise traffic, proceed to Obtaining and Installing an SBC SWe Edge Production Node-Locked License.