The Block Listed Number function disconnects calls for any number that appears in the Block List transformation table.

  1. Add a Transformation Table. For detailed information, refer to Creating and Modifying Entries to Transformation Tables.

  2. In the Input field (in Value), enter the number to be block listed (i.e., (\+14085559775) ). With the example Input field, a call from number 408-555-9775 will be automatically disconnected. You may add any number, or type of number, to the Block List Transformation table. The Block List is processed following the Number Normalization script, so normalized numbers should be entered into the Block List.

  3. Create an Action to disconnect calls that are included in the Block List Transformation Table.

  4. Create an Entry in the Action Set Table. For details, refer to Creating and Modifying Entries to Action Set Tables.

  5. Add an entry to the main Action Set using the Translation Table.