About this Resource

Defines a Threshold Crossing Alert defined in the SBC.

The TCAs are pre-defined in the system and are disabled by default. They need to be enabled, if needed, and configured according to the system specifications.

These TCAs raise alarms when the conditions they are monitoring go over the configured threshold. Consequently, the alarm is cleared when the condition goes below the clearing threshold.

REST API Methods for this Resource

Resource Schema


Parameter Name Required Service Affecting Data Type Default Value Possible Values Description
ConfigIEStateNoYesEnum1Possible values:
  • 0 - esDISABLED
  • 1 - esENABLED
Specifies the Administrative State of the resource.
StatisticYesNoEnum1Possible values:
  • 0 - tcasUnused
  • 1 - tcasSignalingGroup
  • 2 - tcasLicense
  • 3 - tcasSIPRegistration
  • 4 - tcasDSP
  • 5 - tcasCPU
  • 6 - tcasMemory
  • 7 - tcasTotalFDInUse
  • 8 - tcasCPULoadAverage1m
  • 9 - tcasCPULoadAverage5m
  • 10 - tcasCPULoadAverage15m
  • 11 - tcasTmpPartUsage
  • 12 - tcasLogginPartUsage
Specifies the type of statistic this TCA is for.
RaiseThresholdYesNoint100 Specifies the threshold at which an alarm is raised for this TCA.

The default and possible values may vary with the type of statistic being collected.

ClearThresholdYesNoint90 Specifies the threshold at which an alarm is cleared for this TCA.

The default and possible values may vary with the type of statistic being collected.