REST API Method: POST /rest/tca/{identifier}

Modifies a TCA given a specific ID.


HTTP Method


Requires Authentication:



Parameter Name Required Service Affecting Data Type Default Value Possible Values Description
ConfigIEStateNoYesEnum1Possible values:
  • 0 - esDISABLED
  • 1 - esENABLED
Specifies the Administrative State of the resource.
StatisticYesNoEnum1Possible values:
  • 0 - tcasUnused
  • 1 - tcasSignalingGroup
  • 2 - tcasLicense
  • 3 - tcasSIPRegistration
  • 4 - tcasDSP
  • 5 - tcasCPU
  • 6 - tcasMemory
  • 7 - tcasTotalFDInUse
  • 8 - tcasCPULoadAverage1m
  • 9 - tcasCPULoadAverage5m
  • 10 - tcasCPULoadAverage15m
  • 11 - tcasTmpPartUsage
  • 12 - tcasLogginPartUsage
Specifies the type of statistic this TCA is for.
RaiseThresholdYesNoint100 Specifies the threshold at which an alarm is raised for this TCA.

The default and possible values may vary with the type of statistic being collected.

ClearThresholdYesNoint90 Specifies the threshold at which an alarm is cleared for this TCA.

The default and possible values may vary with the type of statistic being collected.

Helpful Tip

The POST can contain either only the attributes that are being updated, or the full set of attributes for the resource

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