This section describes upgrading the SBC application in a standalone or HA configuration using EMA. Beginning with the 5.0 release, the Platform Manager is integrated into EMA, and referred to as EMA Platform Mode.
Prior to performing an application upgrade, upgrade the SBC firmware to the latest version on both active and standby SBCs in an HA pair.
Ensure that the following requirements are met prior to performing an upgrade or LSWU:
, is twice the value of the flag tgMtrgBwPerReq
. Refer to SIP Trunk Group - TG MTRG Req Max BW - CLI for tgMtrgReqMaxBw
configuration details.Ensure the value of the flag, tgMtrgReqMaxCalls
, is twice the value of the flag tgMtrgCallsPerReq
. Refer to SIP Trunk Group - TG MTRG Req Max Calls - CLI for tgMtrgReqMaxCalls
configuration details.
This procedure is service impacting.
The BIOS firmware upgrade is not part of the SBC application upgrade in SBC 7000 platforms. Refer to Upgrading SBC 7000 Series Firmware for more information.
Beginning with version 9.0, the pre-install script now uses the .sha256 checksum files when validating file integrity. Previous versions (7.x and 8.x) use the .md5 checksums.
The following procedure describes SBC Core application upgrade using the EMA (non-LSWU):
Launch EMA.
Navigate to Monitoring > Dashboard > System and Software Info to verify the software and HA peer status for both active and standby servers.
System and Software Info Screen for Active Server
System and Software Info Screen for Standby Server
Navigate to Administration > System Administration > File Upload to upload the SBC application package to the active and standby SBC servers.
Click File Upload tab.
Click Add Files to Queue.
Browse for the SBC application package files in the File Upload screen and click Open.
The files are listed in the Upload Queue section. Click Upload All Files. The file upload starts.
Stop the application on the active server using Administration > System Administration > Platform Management > Stop SBC Application.
Stopping the application is a service-affecting operation.
Click OK to continue the stop operation.
The application stops on the active server.
Launch the EMA Platform Mode on the standby server.
Once the active server (WFDSBC01a) is stopped, the standby server (WFDSBC01b) automatically becomes active.
Stop the application on the standby server using Administration > System Administration > Platform Management > Stop SBC Application.
Stopping the application is a service-affecting operation.
Click OK to continue the stop operation.
The application stops on the standby server.
Application Stopped on Standby Server
If you are upgrading an SBC SWe deployment, before starting the upgrade of the active instance, shut down or power-off the standby instance from the host.
From the EMA of the initial active server (WFDSBC01a), navigate to Administration > System Administration > Software Install/Upgrade.
Select the SBC Package Name to upgrade, and click Standalone Software Upgrade.
Because you are performing a non-LSWU upgrade and both the active and standby SBCs are down, it is considered a standalone upgrade even for an HA pair.
The signature file of the SBC package verifies the integrity of the package contents before proceeding with the SBC installation.
Click Start Upgrade.
The upgrade process starts on the active server (WFDSBC01a) and displays the upgrade status in the Upgrade Log section.
You may lose connectivity to the browser session when the server reboots.
This process takes approximately 45 minutes to complete on a single server.
Once the upgrade is successful, clear the browser cache prior to accessing the SBC EMA.
Log on to EMA using the default credentials.
Logging On to EMA Platform
Logging On to EMA Platform
Verify the SBC installation status on the Administration > System Administration > Software Install/Upgrade screen.
Continuing the SBC Upgrade
Wait until the SBC upgrade is complete.
Verify the SBC application status on the Administration > System Administration > Platform Management screen.
Verifying Active SBC Status
Once all the SBC processes start running, continue upgrading the standby SBC server.
If upgrading your SBC from a release prior to 7.1.x, stop the application on the active server using Administration > System Administration > Platform Management > Stop SBC Application before proceeding to the next step.
Follow steps 11 through 16 to perform an upgrade on the standby server (WFDSBC01b).
If you are upgrading an SBC SWe deployment, power-on the standby instance from the host before returning to step 11.
Verify the SBC application status on the Administration > System Administration > Platform Management screen.
Verify the firmware, ConnexIP OS and SBC application versions in Monitoring > Dashboard > System and Software Info.
Verify the system sync status is in Sync Completed state in All > System > Sync Status.