Configuring the Call Data Channel

This section outlines how to configure the node number and CDC IP interface group for the PCSI LI.


Only the D-SBC (cloud S-SBC and M-SBC) and I-SBC support the PCSI LI configuration.

For information about configuring the PCSI LI on the S-SBC, M-SBC, or I-SBC, refer to the following pages:

For information about the PCSI intercept call flow, refer to PCSI Intercept Call Flow.

Configuring the Node Number

As the Calea user, use the following command to configure the LI.

% set addressContext <default> intercept  
   nodeNumber <integer>

  • If the CDC is configured through the EMS, the node number is configured automatically by the EMS.
  • If the CDC is configured through the SBC, the node number must be configured along with the CDC on the SBC.

Configuring CDC with IP Interface Group

Use the following command to configure the IP interface group.

set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC ipInterfaceGroupName LIG1

Viewing PCSI LI Configuration

Enter the show commands to view the configurations.

Viewing the Intercept Details

Use the following command to view the intercept details.

> show status addressContext default intercept callDataChannel
callDataChannel CDC {
    mediationServerMediaStatus MS1 {
        tcpChannelstatus inService;
        tcpPacketsSent   0;
        tcpPacketsLost   0;
        udpPacketsSent   0;
        udpPacketsLost   0;

Viewing the CDC Configuration

Use the following command to view the CDC configuration.

show addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC
interceptStandard    packetcable;
vendorId             ss8;
ipInterfaceGroupName LIG1;
mediationServer MS1 {
    media {
        tcp {
            portNumber 8765;
            dscpValue  0;
            mode       inService;
            state      enabled;

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