The EMS uses the EMS Calea user role for all Lawful Intercept (LI) configuration operations and the admin user for communicating over netconf to the SBC. The EMS creates the SBC Calea user credentials automatically when an SBC registers to the EMS. The I-SBC instances dynamically register in the EMS.


The SBC supports a single Call Data Channel (CDC) configuration per cluster.

If you do not have an SBC system with access to the PSX and EMS, refer to Configuring LI on I-SBC using the EMA GUI to configure the I-SBC LI through EMA.


You can use the SBC EMA to configure only the default and IMS LI for the I-SBC.

To configure the I-SBC LI through the CLI, refer to the following pages:


To configure the CDC for an Integrated SBC (I-SBC) instance:

Configuring the CDC Device for I-SBC

As a Calea user, you can configure the LI of an I-SBC registered as a node in the EMS.

To Configure a CDC for the I-SBC (Registered as Node)

Use the following procedure to configure the CDC for the default, IMS, or PCSI LI of an I-SBC registered as a node.

  1. Log into the EMS as the Calea user.
  2. Select Monitoring > Lawful Intercept.
  3. Click Configure CDC.

    Configure CDC

  4. Expand the CDC Devices menu.
  5. Expand the SBCs(Above 5.1) menu.
  6. Expand the Non Configured menu and select the I-SBC you want to configure.
  7. Configure the Configure CDC screen for either the default, IMS, or PCSI LI. For descriptions of the parameters in the following tables, refer to Intercept - Call Data Channel.
    • To configure the CDC for the default LI, use the following table.

      Configure CDC Parameters - Default LI

      CDC NameEnter the name of the CDC configuration object.
      Interception Standard

      Select one of the following options: packetcable or packetcablePlusEtsi.

      Vendor ID

      Select one of the following options: none, utimaco, or verint.

      Primary ModeSelect Active.
      Primary StateSelect Enabled.
      Secondary ModeSelect Active.
      Secondary State
      Select Enabled.
      Primary IP
      Enter the primary LI server's IP address where the SBC sends the CDC messages.
      UDP PortEnter the primary LI server's UDP port where the SBC sends the CDC messages.
      Secondary IP (Optional)
      Enter the secondary LI server's IP address where the SBC sends the CDC messages.
      Keep Alive TimerEnter the KA timer.
      Keep Alive RetriesEnter the number of retries before the SBC considers the LI CDC as failed.
      IP InterfaceGroup NameSelect the name of the IP interface group you want to use.
      Media IP InterfaceGroup NameSelect the name of the media IP interface group you want to use.

      See the following screen capture for an example configuration.

      Configure CDC - Default LI


    • To configure the CDC for the IMS LI, use the following table.

      Configure CDC Parameters - IMS LI

      CDC NameEnter the name of the CDC configuration object.
      Interception StandardSelect one of the following options: threeGpp or etsi.
      Vendor IDSelect one of the following options: none, verint, utimaco, or groupTwoThousand.
      Li Pol Dip For Regd Ood MsgSelect Enabled.
      RTCP InterceptionSelect Enabled.
      IP InterfaceGroup NameSelect the name of the IP interface group you want to use.
      Media IP InterfaceGroup NameSelect the name of the media IP interface group you want to use.
      DSR VersionEnter the DSR protocol version.

      See the following screen capture for an example configuration.

      Configure CDC - IMS LI


    • To configure the CDC for the PCSI LI, use the following table.

      Configure CDC Parameters - PCSI LI

      CDC NameEnter a name for the CDC configuration object.
      Interception StandardSelect Packetcable.
      Vendor IDSelect Ss8.
      RTCP InterceptionSelect Enabled.
      Media IP InterfaceGroup NameSelect the name of the media IP interface group you want to use.

      See the following screen capture for an example configuration.

      Configure CDC - PCSI LI


  8. Click Configure <node name>.
    If successfully configured, the node moves from the Non Configured to the Configured section.

Configuring CDC using the EMS Calea User Account

For LI, use the CDC Configuration Manager through the EMS to configure the CDC. You can create CDC information when you log into the EMS as the Calea user from the EMS CDC configuration window.

To Configure a Cluster CDC for I-SBC

Use the following procedure to configure a cluster CDC for the I-SBC.

  1. Log into the EMS as an admin user.
  2. Click Network > Cluster Management.

  3. Click Manage VNFs. The Cluster Management / Manage VNFs window lists the SBC clusters created on the EMS.

    EMS Cluster/VNF List

  4. Use the radio buttons to select the cluster you want to configure. The Details tab of the selected cluster opens by default.
  5. Click the Configurations tab.

    Cluster Configurations Tab

  6. Click Edit Configuration. The SBC Configuration Manager opens in a separate window against the cluster's active node.
  7. Launch another EMS session as the Calea user.
  8. Select Monitoring > Lawful Intercept.
  9. Click Cluster CDC.

    Lawful Intercept/Cluster CDC

  10. Use the radio buttons to select the I-SBC cluster.
  11. Click Launch CDC Configuration Manager. The EMS displays the SBC Configuration Manager window.

To Create a CDC for the I-SBC (Registered as Cluster)

The SBC SWe allows you to configure the IP address, TCP port, and other parameters used for communication towards the mediation server.

Use the following procedure to create a new CDC for the default, IMS, or PCSI LI of an I-SBC registered as a cluster.


The I-SBC supports only one CDC. You will receive an error message if you try to create a CDC when a CDC already exists.

  1. Perform the To Configure a Cluster CDC for I-SBC procedure.
  2. In the SBC Configuration Manager window, select Configuration > Intercept > Call Data Channel.

    Call Data Channel

  3. Select default from the Address Context drop-down menu. You can configure the LI only with the default Address Context.

  4. Click New Call Data Channel. The SBC Configuration Manager displays the Create New Call Data Channel panel.

  5. Configure the Create New Call Data Channel panel for either the default, IMS, or PCSI LI. For descriptions of the parameters in the following tables, refer to Intercept - Call Data Channel.

    • To configure the CDC for the default LI, use the following table.


      You cannot create or modify mediation servers for an I-SBC with a default LI. Since you cannot create mediation servers, you cannot configure the signaling interception, media TCP, or media UDP for a default LI.

      For I-SBCs with a default LI, you can configure only the CDC. In the CDC configuration, you provide the IP Address and Port details.

      Call Data Channel Parameters - Default LI

      NameEnter the name of the CDC configuration object.
      Intercept Standard

      Select one of the following options: Packetcable or Packetcable Plus Etsi.

      Vendor ID

      Select one of the following options: None, Utimaco, or Verint.

      Pri StateSelect Enabled.
      Sec StateSelect Enabled.
      Pri ModeSelect Active.
      Sec ModeSelect Active.
      Pri IP AddressEnter the primary LI server's IP address where the SBC sends the CDC messages.
      Sec IP AddressEnter the secondary LI server's IP address where the SBC sends the CDC messages.
      Pri PortEnter the primary LI server's UDP port where the SBC sends the CDC messages.
      KA TimerEnter the KA timer.
      RetriesEnter the number of retries before the SBC considers the LI CDC as failed.
      IP Interface Group NameSelect the name of the IP interface group you want to use.

      See the following screen capture for an example configuration.

      Create new Call Data Channel - Default LI


    • To configure the CDC for the IMS LI, use the following table. 

      Call Data Channel Parameters - IMS LI

      NameEnter the name of the CDC configuration object.
      Intercept StandardSelect one of the following options: Three Gpp or Etsi.
      Vendor IDSelect one of the following options: None, Verint, Utimaco, or Group Two Thousand.
      IP Interface Group NameSelect the name of the IP interface group you want to use.
      Li Pol Dip For Regd Ood MsgSelect Enabled.
      RTCP InterceptionSelect Enabled.
      Media IP Interface Group NameSelect the name of the media IP interface group you want to use.
      Dsr Protocol VersionEnter the DSR protocol version.

      See the following screen capture for an example configuration.

      Create new Call Data Channel - IMS LI

    • To configure the CDC for the PCSI LI, use the following table.

      Call Data Channel Parameters - PCSI LI

      NameEnter a name for the CDC configuration object.
      Intercept StandardSelect Packetcable.
      Vendor IDSelect Ss8.
      RTCP InterceptionSelect Enabled.
      Media IP Interface Group NameSelect the name of the media IP interface group you want to use.

      See the following screen capture for an example configuration.

      Create new Call Data Channel - PCSI LI

  6. Click Save. 
  7. Click Ok.

  8. Click Close at the top-right of the SBC Configuration Manager window.

  9. Click Yes to confirm that you want to close the window.
  10. Return to the EMS session containing the SBC Configuration Manager for the node and click Apply Saved Changes and Close.

  11. When prompted, confirm that you want to save and activate your configuration changes.

Creating Mediation Servers

After you create the CDC, you must create mediation server objects that associate with the CDC. The CDC configuration supports up to eight mediation servers.


You cannot create or modify mediation servers for an I-SBC with a default LI.

To Create a Mediation Server Object

Use the following procedure to create a mediation server object.

  1. Perform the To Configure a Cluster CDC for I-SBC procedure.
  2. In the SBC Configuration Manager window of the Calea user, select Configuration > Intercept > Call Data Channel > Mediation Server.

    Mediation Server

  3. Select default from the Address Context drop-down menu.

  4. Select the CDC you created for the I-SBC from the Call Data Channel drop-down menu.

  5. Click New Mediation Server. The SBC Configuration Manager displays the Create New Mediation Server panel.

    Create new Mediation Server

  6. In the Mediation Server field, enter a mediation server name.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Click Ok.


    You can repeat the preceding steps to create a maximum of eight mediation servers for the I-SBC.

  9. Click Close at the top-right of the SBC Configuration Manager window.

  10. Click Yes to confirm that you want to close the window.
  11. Return to the EMS session containing the SBC Configuration Manager for the node and click Apply Saved Changes and Close.

  12. When prompted, confirm that you want to save and activate your configuration changes.

Configuring Signaling Interception

This section outlines how to configure the signaling interception.

Before you can configure the signaling interception, you must create a mediation server object.


You can configure the signaling interception only for an I-SBC with an IMS LI.

To Configure the Signaling Interception

Use the following procedure to configure the signaling interception.

  1. Perform the To Configure a Cluster CDC for I-SBC procedure.
  2. In the SBC Configuration Manager window, select Configuration > Intercept > Call Data Channel > Mediation Server.

  3. Click Signaling.


  4. Select default from the Address Context drop-down menu.
  5. Select the CDC you created for the I-SBC from the Call Data Channel drop-down menu.
  6. Select the mediation server you created for the I-SBC from the Mediation Server drop-down menu.

  7. Use the following table to configure the Edit Signaling panel. For descriptions of the parameters in this table, refer to Mediation Server - Signaling.

    Signaling Parameters

    Parameter Configuration
    IP Address V4 or V6

    Enter the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the mediation server for the signaling interception.

    Port NumberEnter the port number of the mediation server for the signaling interception.
    DSCP ValueEnter the DSCP value of the intercepted media packets sent on this port.
    Protocol TypeSelect TCP.

    Select Out of Service.


    Select Disabled.

    See the following screen capture for an example configuration.

    Edit Signaling - Out of Service

  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Ok.
  10. Configure the Edit Signaling panel with the following values to enable the mediation server:
    1. Mode: Select In Service.
    2. State: Select Enabled.

    Edit Signaling - In Service

  11. Click Save.

  12. Click Ok.
  13. Click Close at the top-right of the SBC Configuration Manager window.

  14. Click Yes to confirm that you want to close the window.
  15. Return to the EMS session containing the SBC Configuration Manager for the node and click Apply Saved Changes and Close.

  16. When prompted, confirm that you want to save and activate your configuration changes.

Configuring Media

This section outlines how to configure the media TCP and UDP.

Before you can configure these media objects, you must create a mediation server object.


The PCSI LI supports configurations only for the media interception (TCP) mediation server.

To Configure the Media TCP

Use the following procedure to configure the media TCP.


You cannot configure the media TCP for an I-SBC with a default LI.

  1. Perform the To Configure a Cluster CDC for I-SBC procedure.
  2. In the SBC Configuration Manager window, select Configuration > Intercept > Call Data Channel > Mediation Server > Media.

  3. Click TCP.


  4. Select default from the Address Context drop-down menu.

  5. Select the CDC you created for the I-SBC from the Call Data Channel drop-down menu.

  6. Select the mediation server you created for the I-SBC from the Mediation Server drop-down menu.

  7. Use the following table to configure the Edit TCP panel. For descriptions of the parameters in this table, refer to Media - TCP.


    You can update the mediation server parameters only when the State is Disabled and the Mode is Out Of Service.

    TCP Parameters

    Parameter Configuration
    IP Address V4 or V6

    Enter the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the mediation server for the media interception over TCP.

    Port NumberEnter the port number of the mediation server for the media interception over TCP.
    DSCP ValueEnter the DSCP value of the intercepted media packets sent on the TCP port.

    Select Out of Service.


    Select Disabled.

    KA TimeEnter the duration between two keep alive transmissions while the SBC is in idle condition.
    KA IntervalEnter the duration between two successive keep alive retransmissions. 
    KA ProbeEnter the number of retransmissions that must occur before the SBC declares that the remote end is unavailable. 

    See the following screen capture for an example configuration.

    Edit TCP - Out of Service

  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Ok.
  10. Configure the Edit TCP panel with the following values to enable the mediation server:
    1. Mode: Select In Service.
    2. State: Select Enabled.

    Edit TCP - In Service

  11. Click Save.

  12. Click Ok.
  13. Click Close at the top-right of the SBC Configuration Manager window.

  14. Click Yes to confirm that you want to close the window.
  15. Return to the EMS session containing the SBC Configuration Manager for the node and click Apply Saved Changes and Close.

  16. When prompted, confirm that you want to save and activate your configuration changes.

To Configure the Media UDP

Use the following procedure to configure the media UDP.


You can configure the media UDP only for an I-SBC with an IMS LI.

  1. Perform the To Configure a Cluster CDC for I-SBC procedure.
  2. In the SBC Configuration Manager window, select Configuration > Intercept > Call Data Channel > Mediation Server > Media.

  3. Click UDP.


  4. Select default from the Address Context drop-down menu.

  5. Select the CDC you created for the I-SBC from the Call Data Channel drop-down menu.

  6. Select the mediation server you created for the I-SBC from the Mediation Server drop-down menu.

  7. Use the following table to configure the Edit UDP panel. For descriptions of the parameters in this table, refer to Media - UDP.


    You can update the mediation server parameters only when the State is Disabled and the Mode is Out Of Service.

    UDP Parameters

    Parameter Configuration
    IP Address V4 or V6

    Enter the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the mediation server for the media interception over UDP.

    Port NumberEnter the port number of the mediation server for the media interception over UDP.
    DSCP ValueEnter the DSCP value of the intercepted media packets sent on the UDP port.

    Select Out of Service.


    Select Disabled.

    See the following screen capture for an example configuration.

    Edit UDP - Out of Service

  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Ok.
  10. Configure the Edit UDP panel with the following values to enable the mediation server:
    1. Mode: Select In Service.
    2. State: Select Enabled.

    Edit UDP - In Service

  11. Click Save.

  12. Click Ok.
  13. Click Close at the top-right of the SBC Configuration Manager window.

  14. Click Yes to confirm that you want to close the window.
  15. Return to the EMS session containing the SBC Configuration Manager for the node and click Apply Saved Changes and Close.

  16. When prompted, confirm that you want to save and activate your configuration changes.

Viewing Statistics for I-SBC

This section outlines how to view the I-SBC statistics for the Default LI, IMS LI, and PCSI LI.

To View Statistics for the Default LI

Use the following procedure to view the intercept call data channel statistics.

  1. Perform the To Configure a Cluster CDC for I-SBC procedure.
  2. In the SBC Configuration Manager window, select Configuration > Intercept.

  3. Click Intercept Call Data Channel Statistics. For more information, refer to Intercept - Intercept Call Data Channel Statistics.

    Intercept Call Data Channel Statistics

To View Statistics for the IMS or PCSI LI

Use the following procedure to view the signaling and media statistics of the mediation server.

  1. Perform the To Configure a Cluster CDC for I-SBC procedure.
  2. In the SBC Configuration Manager window, select Configuration > Intercept > Call Data Channel.

  3. To view

    1. the signaling statistics, click Mediation Server Signaling Status. For more information, refer to Call Data Channel - Mediation Server Signaling Status.

      Mediation Server Signaling Status

    2. the media statistics, click Mediation Server Media Status. For more information, refer to Call Data Channel - Mediation Server Media Status.

      Mediation Server Media Status