
Applicable only for CALEA users.


This section outlines the commands to configure the IMS LI on the S-SBC. For more information about the IMS LI configuration, refer to IMS LI Configuration.

  • As a prerequisite to configure the IMS LI on the S-SBC, ensure that the Call Data Channel (CDC) and the Mediation Server are enabled and running.
  • You can configure the IMS LI with only the default address context.
  • For more information on the parameters (descriptions and supported values), refer to Intercept - CLI.

Creating CDC for Intercept Flavor as IMS LI

To provision the IMS LI on the S-SBC, you must configure the signaling (X2) interface.

For other options of how to configure the intercept flavor as IMS LI, refer to Configuring SBC For Lawful Interception.

% set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel <callDataChannel_name> 
    interceptStandard <etsi | threeGpp> 
    vendorId <verint | utimaco | none | groupTwoThousand> 
    ipInterfaceGroupName <ipInterfaceGroup_name>
	dsrProtocolVersion <0 | 1>
	liPolDipForRegdOodMsg <disabled | enabled>
% commit

The following is an example of how to create a CDC for the intercept flavor as IMS LI.

% set addressContext default intercept nodeNumber 74120 callDataChannel CDC ipInterfaceGroupName LIG1 interceptStandard etsi vendorId groupTwoThousand dsrProtocolVersion 0 liPolDipForRegdOodMsg disabled
% commit

The ipInterfaceGroup for the CDC must differ from the other signaling ipInterface groups. This difference ensures that the LI does not use the signaling ipAddress to send intercepted traffic (signaling or media) towards the mediation server.

Configuring CDC for Signaling Interception


You can configure only one mediation server for the S-SBC.

% set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel <callDataChannel_name> mediationServer <mediationServer_name> signaling
      ipAddress <IP_Address>
      portNumber <0-65535>
	  dscpValue <0-63>
      protocolType <tcp | udp>
	  mode <inService | OutofService>
	  state <disabled | enabled>
% commit

The signaling interception does not support the protocolType udp.

The following is an example of how to configure a CDC for the signaling interception.

% set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC mediationServer MS1 signaling ipAddress portNumber 65300 protocolType tcp
% commit
% set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC mediationServer MS1 signaling state enabled mode inService
% commit

Configuring CDC for LiPolDipForRegdOodMsg

When the liPolDipForRegdOodMsg parameter is enabled, it makes the SBC send a policy request to the PSX for registered Out-Of-Dialog requests (messages) to be intercepted. When this parameter is disabled, the SBC does not send a policy request to the PSX for registered Out-Of-Dialog requests (messages).

Use the following command to enable the support for policy dip, for registered users out-of-dialog messages, to decide on interception.

% set addressContext default intercept callDataChannel CDC liPolDipForRegdOodMsg enabled
% commit

The liPolDipForRegdOodMsg parameter is available only when the interceptStandard and vendorId parameters are configured as IMS LI.