To create a network interface, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to EC2 Management Console.

  2. Select NETWORK & SECURITY > Network Interfaces.
    The Network Interface page displays.

    Network Interface

  3. Click Create Network Interface.
    The Create Network Interface displays.


  4. In the Create Network Interface window:

    1. Enter the network interface description such as HA0.

    2. Select the Subnet and Security groups from the drop-down list.


    3. Click Yes, Create.

      Create Network Interface

      The new network interface displays in the list.

      New Network Interface

  5. Repeat steps 3 through 4 to create network interfaces for MGT0, PKT0 and PKT1.

Adding a Secondary IP Address

To instantiate SBC SWe HA instance you must add a secondary IP address to MGT0, PKT0 and PKT1 network interfaces.

When the switch-over occurs, the secondary IP address and the EIP address (associated with these Secondary IPs) will be moved to the new active instance's corresponding interfaces.

To add a secondary IP address:

  1. Right-click the network interface and select Mange Private IP Addresses.

    The Manage Private IP Addresses window displays.

    Manage Private IP Addresses

  2. Click Assign new IP.

  3. Enter the secondary IP address.

    By default, if no secondary IP address is entered the IP address gets auto assigned.

  4. Click Yes, Update.

    The attached address displays.

    Assigned Secondary IP Address

Associating an Elastic IP Address

Associate an elastic IP (EIP) address to MGT0 private primary IP and secondary private IP addresses. Based on your network requirement you can associate EIPs to secondary IP addresses of PKT0 and PKT1 network interfaces.

To associate an elastic IP address:

  1. Right-click the network interface and select Associate Address.

    The Manage Private IP Addresses window displays.
  2. Click the Address drop-down list and select an elastic IP address from the list.
  3. Select Allow reassociation, to associate EIP even when the network interface is in use.
  4. Click the Associate to Private IP Address drop-down list and select the private IP address.

  5. Click Associate Address.

    Associating Elastic IP Address


  6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 to associate EIP for secondary private IP address.

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