This object specifies parameters that are sent out as part of the outgoing signaling message after standard protocol rules have been applied. You can associate signaling profiles with carriers and trunk groups. A signaling profile can also be used to enable selected ingress call processing functions.

To View Signaling Profile

On the SBC main screen, go to Configuration > System Provisioning > Category: Call Routing > Profiles > Signaling Profile. The Signaling Profile window is displayed.

Call Routing - Profiles - Signaling Profile

To Edit Signaling Profile

To edit any of the Signaling Profile in the list, click the radio button next to the specific Signaling Profile name.

The Edit Selected Signaling Profile window is displayed below.

Call Routing - Profiles - Signaling Profiles Edit Window

To Create Signaling Profile

To create a new Signaling Profile, click New Signaling Profile tab on the Signaling Profile List panel.

The Create New Signaling Profile window is displayed.

Call Routing - Profiles - Signaling Profile Create Window

Signaling Profile Parameters:




Indicates the name of the signaling profile.

Nature of Address

Specifies the type of IP address.

  • International
  • National
  • Network Specific
  • Pass Through
  • Subscriber
  • Unknown (default)

Transit Carrier Indicator

List the different transit carrier indicators. The options are:

  • Backward
  • Bidirection
  • Forward
  • No Transmission (default)
  • Non Provisioned
  • Ored Backward
  • Ored Forward
  • Pass Through

Generic Digit Type

The Generic Digit Type, which is to be interpreted to contain the Switch ID and Trunk Group ID.

Access Transport

Include the Access Transport parameter in any messages in either the forward or backward direction before they are sent over the associated trunk group.

  • Disable
  • Enable (default)

User to User

When Enabled, Includes the User to User parameter in any messages in either the forward or backward direction before they are sent over the associated trunk group. When Disabled, discards the User to User parameter from messages before they are sent over the associated trunk group. The options are:

  • Disable
  • Enable (default)

To Copy Signaling Profile

To copy any of the created Signaling Profile and to make any minor changes, click the radio button next to the specific Signaling Profile to highlight the row.

Click Copy Signaling Profile tab on the Signaling Profile List panel.

The Copy Selected Signaling Profile window is displayed along with the field details which can be edited.

Call Routing - Profiles - Signaling Profile Copy Window

Make the required changes to the required fields and click Save. The copied Signaling Profile is displayed at the bottom of the original Signaling Profile in the Signaling Profile List panel.

To Delete Signaling Profile

To delete any of the created Signaling Profile, click the radio button next to the specific Signaling Profile which you want to delete.

Click Delete at the end of the highlighted row. A delete confirmation message appears seeking your decision.

Click Yes to remove the specific Signaling Profile from the list.

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