Modified: for 12.1.2

This object displays the LI Mediation Server TLS Media intercept parameters.

To View and Create/Edit TLS

To view TLS parameters, log on as the "Calea" user. For more information, refer to Users and Application Management—User and Session Management.

On the SBC main screen, navigate to Configuration > Intercept > Call Data Channel > Mediation Server > Media > TLS.

TLS is supported only for IMS LI configurations. Refer to Intercept Flavors and Configuration Details for configuration details.

Configure TLS for each Mediation Server under each Call Data Channel and default Address Context. Use the drop-down box to select the default Address Context, Call Data Channel, and Mediation Server.


Media/TLS and Media/TCP are mutually exclusive.

The TLS window opens.

TLS Parameters:




IP Address V4 or V6 


IPv4/IPv6 address of the mediation server for media interception over TLS.

Port Number 0-65535Specifies the port number of the mediation server for media interception over TLS.

DSCP Value


Specifies the DSCP value for intercepted media packets sent on the TLS port. The default value is 16.



Specifies the mode of the TLS connection towards the mediation server for media interception.

  • In Service
  • Out Of Service (default)



Specifies the state of the TLS connection towards the mediation server for media interception.

  • Disabled (default) 
  • Enabled

KA Time


Specifies the duration (in seconds) between the two keep-alive transmissions in the idle condition. The default is 180 seconds.

KA Interval


Specifies the duration (In seconds) between two successive keep alive re-transmissions, if acknowledgement to the previous keep alive transmission is not received. Default = 30 seconds.

KA Probe


Specifies the number of re-transmissions to be carried out before declaring that the remote end is not available. Default = 4.

TLS Profile Name


TLS Profile name used by this Mediation Server.

Click Save to save the configuration.