You can provision the four host management interfaces in the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) web application. When they are configured, a direct link from BMC is enabled to the EMA/EMA Platform Mode for installing and upgrading the SBC 5400 application.

Use the following procedure to configure the four host management interfaces:

  1. Log onto the SBC BMC GUI using the IP address configured in one of the previous sections.


    Use one of the following methods to obtain the BMC IP address:

    Configuring SBC 5400 BMC IP Address Via Serial Console


    Configuring SBC 5400 BMC for Remote Access

    The BMC Main Screen displays:

  2. Navigate to the Configuration > Platform Management Network tab. The Platform Management Network Settings screen is displayed.


     To learn more about these four media ports and their operational modes, refer to SBC 5400 Media Ports and Operational Modes.

    The SBC 5400 platform includes the following configurable media port configurations.


    A message prompts you to enter the management IP addresses for a first-time installation.

  3. If the management interfaces are not yet configured, a warning message displays. Click OK to proceed with the Management Port configuration.

  4. Configure the following network settings for all four management interfaces as needed, and then click Save.

    - IPv4 Address, Prefix and Default Gateway
    - IPv6 Address, Prefix and Default Gateway


    You should configure the IPv4 Address, Prefix and Default Gateway for Management Interface "0." The settings are optional for all other Management Interfaces.


    Once you save the changes to the Management IP addresses, the following warning message displays. Note that the changes to the Management IP addresses will only take effect when the SBC application is Installed (or reinstalled if already present). Refer to SBC 5400—Installing Application for more information.


    If the SBC application is currently installed, then the management interfaces made here only reflect updates after the application is reinstalled.

  5. Click OK to complete the process.

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