Complete the following steps prior to deploying an SBC SWe in AWS.
- Create a VPC for the SBC SWe
- Create an Internet Gateway for SBC SWe
- Create Key Pairs for the SBC SWe
- Create Subnets for the SBC SWe
- Create Security Groups for SBC SWe
- Create Route Tables for SBC SWe
- Create Placement Groups
- Create an Identity and Access Management (IAM) Role for SBC SWe
- Create an Identity and Access Management (IAM) Role for HFE
- Upload script to S3
- Locate Amazon Linux 2 AMI ID for use in HFE Deployments
- Locate Linux AMI ID for use in LCM deployments
Ribbon recommends m5.xlarge or higher instance type if this instance type is available in your zone. Use c5.2xlarge instance type or higher to handle more calls with transcoding.
The following Instance types are supported in this release for deployment in AWS:
- c5.2xlarge
- c5.4xlarge
- c5.9xlarge
- c5n.2xlarge
- c5n.4xlarge
- c5n.9xlarge
- g3.4xlarge
- p3.2xlarge
Migrate any deployments using C3, C4 instance types to C5 or any M4 instance types to m5 prior to upgrading to this release.
Migration to C5n or P3 instance types is only supported when already upgraded to this, or later releases.
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