This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

Command Syntax

show table profiles services sipArsProfile <profile name>


Command Parameters

SIP ARS Profile Parameters


The blacklisting algorithm(s) to use for this SIP ARS Profile.

  • noRetryAfer  trigger blacklisting when a peer endpoint sends SIP 503 responses without a Retry After header at a rate that exceeds a number defined by blkListAlgNoRetryAfterNum503 within the time interval defined by blkListAlgNoRetryAfterDuration.
  • retryafter – Use the blkListAlgRetryAfterType (trigger) as the blacklisting criteria.
  • timeouts (default) – Use the timeout of the specified SIP message for blacklisting the server.
blkListAlgNoRetryAfterNum503The number of SIP 503 responses without a Retry After header events sent by a peer that triggers blacklisting of that peer endpoint. The default is 1.
blkListAlgNoRetryAfterDurationThe duration, in seconds, in which the SIP 503 responses without a Retry After header events must occur to trigger blacklisting of the peer sending the responses. The default is 1.
blkListAlgTimeoutsTypeThe timeout trigger type (currently, only sip-invite is available) 
blkListAlgTimeoutsNumTimeoutsThe number of timeout events for a single INVITE transaction (including any retransmissions) before blacklisting the address. 
blkAlgTimeoutsDurationThe duration (in seconds) in which the specified number of timeouts must occur. 
blkListAlgRetryAfterTypeThe SIP status code type which includes a 'Retry-After' value (currently, the only supported value is sip-503)

The mid-dialog ARS screening level used on the call.

recoveryAlgorithmThe recovery algorithm to use once the peer is blacklisted. 
recoveryAlgTimerDurationDuration (in seconds) that the IP address remains blacklisted. 
recoveryAlgProbeMethodThe probe method (currently, only sip-options is available). 
recoveryAlgProbeIntervalThe probe interval value, in seconds. 
recoveryAlgProbeNumResponsesThe number of consecutive responses to occur before removing an entry from the blacklist. 
recoveryAlgProbeDurationThe duration (in seconds) in which the specified number of responses must occur. 
Use this parameter to specify the SIP request types to retry after blacklist algorithm.