
To support interworking between different variants of SIP, the SBC offers the following signaling profiles:

  • calledPrefixMatchProfile
  • carrierCodeToIoiMappingProfile
  • ioiToCarrierCodeMappingProfile
  • sipJJ9030InterworkingProfile



To interwork the parameter contractorNumber to/from the ttc-charging-params information in the SIP header P-Charging-Vector, set the the parameter contractorNumInterworking to enable. 

For more information, refer to:


Called Prefix Match Profile

Create a profile to configure the prefix that the SBC matches against the called number. The prefix configuration is defined by the regex string pattern, start position of the string, and the digit length.

The SBC allows configuring a maximum of 10 Called Prefix Match Profiles, and each profile allows a maximum of different prefix match tables.

For more information, refer to the following pages:

Called Prefix Match Profile - Documentation


Carrier Code to Ioi Mapping Profile

Create a Carrier Code to Ioi Mapping Profile to specify the carrier code (4-digit numeric string consisting of digits in the range 0-9) mapped to Inter Operator Identifier.

The SBC allows configuring a maximum of 200 entries for each Carrier Code to Ioi Mapping Profile.

For more information, refer to the following pages:

Carrier Code to Ioi Mapping Profile - Documentation


Ioi to Carrier Code Mapping Profile

Create a Ioi to Carriet Code Mapping Profile to specify the Inter Operator Identifier (IOI) string mapped to the carrier code.

The SBC allows configuring a maximum of 200 entries for each Ioi to Carrier Code Mapping Profile.

For more information, refer to the following pages:

Ioi to Carrier Code Mapping Profile - Documentation


SIP JJ9030 Interworking Profile

Create a SIP JJ9030 Interworking profile that encapsulates various parameters needed for SIP JJ9030 Interworking.

For more information, refer to the following pages:

SIP JJ9030 Interworking Profile - Documentation

CLI Reference GuideSIP JJ9030Interworking Profile - CLI 
EMA User GuideSignaling - SIP JJ9030Interworking Profile