| Parameter | Description |
| systemName | |
| totalReqsNoExtSvc |
Total Requests (no ext service): Total number of
policy requests (excluding those that needed external
services, such as an SCP lookup) which were handled
by the Soft Switch. Requests which timed out at the
external interface are counted here.
| totalTimeNoExtSvc |
Total time (no ext service): Total time (number of
milliseconds) taken to process these requests. Requests
which timed out at the external interface are also counted here.
| averageTimeNoExtSvc |
Average Time: Average amount of time (in milliseconds) taken
to process each individual request. This is the average of the
differences between the time a request was received and the time
that the corresponding response was sent out.
| totalRequestsExtSvc |
Total requests (External Svc): The number of requests which used
an external service. Currently the features which use external
services are the LNP and Toll Free lookup.
| totalTimeExtSvc |
Total time: Total time (in milliseconds) it took to process
the requests that required an external service. This time includes
the time it took for the external service to execute. This time does
not include requests that timed out.
| averageTimeExtSvc |
Average: Average time (in milliseconds) it took to process
each of these requests.
| extTime |
Ex time: Total time (in milliseconds) it took in the
external service to process all of these requests.
| averagExtTime |
Ave Ex Time: Average time (in milliseconds) that it
took in the external service to process each request.
| totalTimeouts |
Total T/O: Total number of external service requests which timed out.
| totalTimeTORequests |
Total time: Total time (in milliseconds) taken to process
the timed out requests in the Softswitch. This total includes
the timeout interval and the processing time.
| averageTimeTORequests |
Average (Time in milliseconds): Average time taken to
process each timed out request. This time includes the
timeout interval and the processing time.
| totalNonSsRequests |
Total non ss requests: Counts the total number of
non-policy requests. These include heart beat
(keep Alive) messages.
| totalTimeNonSsRequests |
Total time: Total time (in milliseconds) it
took to process these non-policy requests.
| averagTimeNonSsRequests |
Average (Time in milliseconds): The average time
in milliseconds it took to process each of these non-policy requests.