You can start and stop monitoring the traffic level on all signaling links of a linkset.


If no TX or RX traffic appears on the Link Load Monitoring screen, then there is either no traffic on the link or the Link Load Monitoring is disabled (see the following procedure)

Although the traffic load is balanced among all links, the percentage of received and transmitted traffic shown for each link on the Link Monitoring screen can be different because of the various link types. 


The percentage of traffic shown for M2PA and M2UA links is based on both the setup of the link bandwidth and the running traffic.


If your system has exceeded the SS7 standard capacity of 40% for a linkset on all links, it is recommended that you consider additional link(s) for throughput management in case of link failures. This action helps you to avoid link congestion and possible message loss. 

To start or stop link load monitoring of a linkset

  1. From the Main Menu, click MTP3.

  2. Click the required NA.

  3. Click Linksets.

  4. Click the required linkset.

  5. Click Link Load Monitoring.

  6. Click Start Monitoring or Stop Monitoring.

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