In this section:


The screen captures in the procedures on this page are examples only and may show other releases than the ones applicable to the current release. However, the procedures are accurate and are applicable to this release.

For simplicity, not all steps are presented with screen captures, but sufficient screen captures are provided to guide you through the procedures.

It is recommended that before extracting a system card, you attach a grounding strap to your wrist or ankle and the ESD ground jack located on the front or rear panels of the chassis. Refer to DSC 8000 ESD Requirements for the locations of the ground jacks on the DSC Platform chassis.


Failure to follow proper Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) guidelines when handling sensitive hardware can damage the equipment. Refer to the Ribbon ESD procedure Connecting Electrostatic Discharge Wrist Strap for information on protecting yourself and the equipment.

A #2 Phillips-head screwdriver is required to loosen the faceplate retention screws on all cards installed in the DSC 8000 chassis.

An extraction tool such as the AMC Xtractor that is manufactured by Xtech, is required for card removal. The following illustration shows this extractor tool. Two extraction tools are provided with the DSC 8000 chassis in the shipping container accessory box at the time of deployment. Additional extraction tools can be obtained from Ribbon (Ribbon PT-Q0AMCEX-31004). Contact Sales for more information.

Xtractor tool needed for AMC and MCH card removal


Extracting a card compromises the airflow to cards remaining in the system. Make sure that a replacement card or the appropriate Air Management Blade is readily available to fill the vacated slot. Refer to Supported Air Management Blades (AMBs).


When following the insertion and extraction procedures, the proper card removal and insertion sequence must be followed to avoid damage to the hardware. The system cards must be removed in the following order:

  • Pull ejector on FRONT card (AMC671 MCH, AMC124 CPU, or AMC348 I/O) - wait for Blue LED to be solid
  • Pull ejector on REAR card (RMC670 µRTM,  RMC110 µRTM, or RMC348 uRTM) - wait for Blue LED to be solid
  • Unscrew and remove REAR card
  • Unscrew and remove FRONT card

Following these instructions avoid excessive force applied to the front card during extraction and ensures the connectors are properly seated in their slots (refer to Seating AMCs, MCHs, and µRTMs) during card insertion.

You can extract DSC Platform cards on a live system. The faceplate ejection handle, when pulled, activates a switch that starts the card's internal shutdown process. A card that has completed the shutdown process and is subsequently removed from a slot, does not affect other cards installed and running in the chassis.

Extracting a System Card

Before extracting a system card from the DSC 8000 chassis, it is recommended that you verify the status of the given card using the Slot Monitor.

Before extracting a system card, the Slot Monitor should show the following for the card's status:

  • Slot Type: <card type>
  • Slot Status: AVAILABLE

After extracting a system card, the Slot Monitor should show the following for the slot's status (after about one minute) from which you extracted this card.

  • Slot Type: vacant
  • Slot Status: EXTRACTED

If the Slot Monitor does not display the slot status after a system card is extracted as shown in the preceding bulleted list, the extraction was unsuccessful, and, therefore, the system card is still in the slot or the connection to the system card is lost.

Verify a System Card Status before Extracting this Card


  1. From the Main Menu, click Slot Monitor.

  2. For detailed information about the system card that you have extracted, click the required slot number.
    The following screen capture shows the details for a successfully extracted system card.

Extracting and RMC670 µRTM and an AMC671 MCH

Follow the instructions in this section to extract an RMC670 µRTM and an AMC671 MCH from a DSC Platform chassis.

To extract an RMC670 µRTM (rear card) and an AMC671 MCH (front card)

Click to

To cover an unpopulated slot with an AMB

Click to

Optionally Decommissioning an RMC110 µRTM and an AMC124 Routing CPU  

If an optional Routing CPU is being removed permanently or is being moved to another slot, prior to extracting this card, the given card must be decommissioned.


The two mandatory Routing CPUs in slots 3 and 12 cannot be decommissioned. 

If an optional Routing CPU is being removed in order to replace it with another card of the same type (for example to replace a broken card), then do not decommission this card before you extract the given card.

This section provides you with instructions for decommissioning a Routing CPU. Decommissioning a Routing CPU comprises the following steps: 

Decommission a Routing CPU


  1. From the Main Menu, select System and press ENTER.
  2. Select Software Revisions and press ENTER.
  3. Select CPU Versions and press ENTER.

    No new load detected on system. Upload and run load .sh file on /var/log before attempting upgrade.
    CPU (current)      dsc_8000_18_1_0_nb20190930  OS: Ribbon7.4.16
        (Servicepack)  [none applied]
    CPU (previous)     dsc_8000_16_1_0_nb20180111  OS: 16.4.13
    RUNNING SOFTWARE VERSIONS (*=update required, ?=update unknown)
             CARD                   BUILD     SERVICE  O/S
    Slot  2 MGMT           18.1.0 (nb20190930) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.16  19 procs running
    Slot 13 MGMT           18.1.0 (nb20190930) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.16  19 procs running
    Slot  3 ROUTING        18.1.0 (nb20190930) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.16  24 procs running
    Slot  5 APPLICTN       18.1.0 (nb20190930) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.16  11 procs running
    Slot  6 ROUTING        18.1.0 (nb20190930) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.16  31 procs running
    Slot  9 APPLICTN       18.1.0 (nb20190930) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.16  12 procs running
    Slot 10 APPLICTN       18.1.0 (nb20190930) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.16  12 procs running
    Slot 12 ROUTING        18.1.0 (nb20190930) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.16  24 procs running
      (p=servicepack is partially applied)
    Select CPU Slot number (5 6 9 10) to decommission an optional CPU.
    Enter slot # or ENTER to cancel:
  4. Select the slot in which the CPU you want to decommission appears and press ENTER (in this example, slot 6).

    Enter slot # or ENTER to cancel: 6
    Software Update for CPUs
    Determining running and current software version.  Please wait...
    Running on CPU (slot6_0):
             -Load:        dsc_8000_18_1_0_nb20190930
             -OS:          Ribbon7.4.16
             -Servicepack: [none applied]
    Current CPU version (on MGMT CPU):
             -Load:        dsc_8000_18_1_0_nb20190930
             -OS:          Ribbon7.4.16
             -Servicepack: [none applied]
    No software change to perform.
    'd' - Decommission this CPU slot to prepare it for removal.
    Select action to take, or any other key to cancel:
  5. When you are prompted, type d and then press ENTER.

  6. When you are prompted, type y and then press ENTER.


  7. Press ENTER.
  8. Perform steps 3 to 7 as required to decommission other CPUs on the system with the exception of the Routing CPU cards inserted in slots 3 and 12.
  9. Navigate to the Available Software Versions screen and confirm that the card(s) has been decommissioned.
  10. Extract the CPU from its slot [(see To extract an RMC110 µRTM (rear card) and an AMC124 (front card)].
  11. If required, cover the unpopulated slot with an AMB (see To cover an unpopulated slot with an AMB).  

Decommissioning an RMC110 µRTM and an AMC124 DB Application CPU 

If a DB Application CPU is being removed permanently or is being moved to another slot, prior to extracting this card, the card must be deconfigured and decommissioned.

If a DB Application CPU is being removed in order to replace it with another card of the same type (for example to replace a broken card), do not decommission this card before you extract the given card.

Decommissioning a DSC DB Application CPU comprises the following steps:


Decommission the DSC DB Application CPU by following the steps in the procedure in the order presented.

Deconfigure a DSC DB Application CPU


  1. From the Main Menu select Software Versions, and press ENTER.
  2. Select DSC DB, and press ENTER.
  3. Select DSC DB Configuration, and press ENTER.

  4. Enter slot number of the CPU that you want to deconfigure (in this procedure, slot 9).
  5. Enter the action to perform on the CPU in slot 9.

  6. Enter r and press ENTER.
  7. You are prompted to confirm if you want to remove the CPU that is in slot 9.
  8. Enter y and press ENTER.

  9. Press ENTER to invoke the changes.

  10. Press ENTER
  11. Go to To decommission a DSC DB Application CPU.

Decommission a DSC DB Application CPU


  1. After you have deconfigured the DSC DB Application CPU (see To deconfigure a DSC DB Application CPU), from the Main Menu select Software Versions and press ENTER.
  2. Select CPU Versions and press ENTER.

    No new load detected on system. Upload and run load .sh file on /var/log before attempting upgrade.
    CPU (current)      dsc_8000_18_1_0_nb20190930  OS: Ribbon7.4.16
        (Servicepack)  [none applied]
    CPU (previous)     dsc_8000_16_1_0_nb20180111  OS: 16.4.13
    RUNNING SOFTWARE VERSIONS (*=update required, ?=update unknown)
             CARD                   BUILD     SERVICE  O/S
    Slot  2 MGMT           18.1.0 (nb20190930) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.16  19 procs running
    Slot 13 MGMT           18.1.0 (nb20190930) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.16  19 procs running
    Slot  3 ROUTING        18.1.0 (nb20190930) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.16  24 procs running
    Slot  5 APPLICTN       18.1.0 (nb20190930) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.16  11 procs running
    Slot  6 ROUTING        18.1.0 (nb20190930) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.16  31 procs running
    Slot  9 APPLICTN       18.1.0 (nb20190930) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.16  12 procs running
    Slot 10 APPLICTN       18.1.0 (nb20190930) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.16  12 procs running
    Slot 12 ROUTING        18.1.0 (nb20190930) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.16  24 procs running
    Slot 26 APPLICTN       18.1.0 (nb20190930) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.16  12 procs running
    Slot 27 APPLICTN       18.1.0 (nb20190930) SP:    OS: Ribbon7.4.16  12 procs running
      (p=servicepack is partially applied)
    Select CPU Slot number (5 6 9 10 26 27) to decommission an optional CPU.
    Enter slot # or ENTER to cancel:


  3. Enter the slot number of the Application CPU that you want to decommission and press ENTER. (in this example, slot 26).

    Enter slot # or ENTER to cancel: 26
    Software Update for CPUs
    Determining running and current software version.  Please wait...
    Running on CPU (slot26_0):
             -Load:        dsc_8000_18_1_0_nb20190930
             -OS:          Ribbon7.4.16
             -Servicepack: [none applied]
    Current CPU version (on MGMT CPU):
             -Load:        dsc_8000_18_1_0_nb20190930
             -OS:          Ribbon7.4.16
             -Servicepack: [none applied]
    No software change to perform.
    'd' - Decommission this CPU slot to prepare it for removal.
    Select action to take, or any other key to cancel:
  4. Enter d and press ENTER.      

  5. Enter y and press ENTER.

    If messages such as "bash: 1: command not found" are seen, they can safely be ignored.

  6. Extract the CPU from its slot [(see To extract an RMC110 µRTM (rear card) and an AMC124 (front card)].
  7. If required, cover the unpopulated slot with an AMB (see To cover an unpopulated slot with an AMB).

Execute a Complete Configuration Backup for the DSC 8000 using a USB Key


  1. Insert the 16GB USB key into the either USB port (as shown in the preceding two illustrations) on one of the Management CPUs or its respective RTM (slot 2 or 13).

  2. Click Backups.

  3. Click Complete System Backup.
  4. Click Start System Backup.
    The DSC 8000 automatically executes the complete system backup and a message is displayed to inform you when the backup is completed.

Extracting an RMC110 µRTM and an AMC124 CPU

This section provides you with information for extracting an RTM110 µRTM (rear card) and its respective AMC124 CPU (front card).

To extract an RMC110 µRTM (rear card) and an AMC124 (front card)

Click to


Extracting a card requires a significant amount of force to disengage the connectors. It is important the proper card removal sequence is followed. The RMC110 µRTM must be removed first before the AMC124 is extracted. Otherwise, excessive force applied to the AMC124 during extraction can damage the hardware.

Extracting an RMC348 μRTM and an AMC348 I/O

This section provides you with information for extracting an RMC348 µRTM (rear card) and its respective AMC348 I/O (front card).

To extract an RMC348 µRTM (rear card) and an AMC348 I/O (front card)

Click to

Cover an Unpopulated Slot with an AMB

Extracting a card compromises the airflow to cards remaining in the system. Make sure that a replacement card or the appropriate Air Management Blade is readily available to fill the vacated slot. Refer to Supported Air Management Blades (AMBs).

The procedure for extracting Air Management Blades is identical to the procedure for extracting the AMC348. The only difference being is that the AMBs are not equipped with ejection handles; therefore, follow the instructions for extracting AMC348, but skip the steps for using the ejection handles.

Decommissioning an AMC348 I/O Card

For information about decommissioning an AMC348 I/O card, refer to Decommissioning an I/O Card.