In this section:

For detailed information about the appropriate description of the various supported CPUs and VMs, refer to Terminology.


Each application that gathers measurements is linked with the measurement library. This library (on the application side) is responsible for the measurement container and data measurements gathered during a five minute interval. When the five-minute interval expires, the measurement library sends all measurements to the statistics collector agent (SCA). The SCA waits for 30 seconds (to make sure that it received every report) and then writes the measurement files to disk (in /var/stats) in a comma separated value (CSV) format.

Accumulation Interval

The DSC - SP2000 Platform supports the generation of scheduled autonomous reports for the data measurements that are presented in files. There is one file per report interval for each data measurement category for each day. Each report file contains every instance for the given data measurement category.

The measurements are provided in the following accumulation intervals (starting at 00:00) and every day at 00:00:

  • 5 - every 5 minutes
  • 30 - every 30 minutes
  • d - every 24 hours (daily, with accumulation intervals ending at midnight)

For performance requirements, the data measurements are not updated on every message to the SCA on the Management and Routing CPUs but instead are periodically updated every 5 seconds from local counters. The SCA amalgamates all the statistics from the I/O and Routing CPUs.

File Format

The file format for all data measurement categories is a comma separated value (CSV) database file format.

Filename Format

The filename format for presenting the data measurements is as follows:

<Statistics Group Type>-<Interval Type>-<YYYY-MM-DD>

The following are examples of a data measurement report file name:

  • System-5min-2019-03-04
  • System-30min-2019-03-04
  • System-day-2019-02-28
  • Linkset-5min-2019-03-04
  • Linkset-30min-2019-03-01
  • Linkset-day-2019-03-01
  • Signaling Gateway-5min-2019-03-03
  • Signaling Gateway-30min-2019-03-01
  • Signaling Gateway-day-2019-02-29


After an upgrade or rollback, if the stats version and the file format do not match, the previous version number is appended to the previous filename and a new stats file is created according to the new format.

<Statistics Group Type>-<Interval Type>-<YYYY-MM-DD>-<Version>

For example, Signaling Gateway-5min-2018-11-22-13-0 where

  • the previous filename is Signaling Gateway-5min-2018-11-22
  • the previous version number appended to the filename is 13-0

File Content Format

Each data measurement line includes:

  • end time
  • instance
  • duration or measured value

The file format is as follows:

date,instance,<statistics names list, comma-delimited>
<date>,<instance>,<value 1>, <value 2>, <value 3>, ...
<date>,<instance>,<value 1>, <value 2>, <value 3>, ...

Retention Time

The retention time in the applications is 5 minutes. After the data measurements are sent to the SCA, they are discarded.

The retention time in the SCA is one day to populate the one day report.

The retention time on disk is limited by disk space. For the SS7 and the Diameter, the data measurement files that are in the /var/stats directory are daily and automatically moved to the /var/stats/compressed directory in a compressed format. If the hard drive on the Management and Routing CPUs are nearly full, the files that have been in the directory the longest are deleted (first in first out).

The DSC - SP2000 Platform does not support polling data measurements.

If the system loses and then re-establishes connection, a maximum of 5 minutes of data measurements may be lost.

If, for some reason, the SCA does not function as expected, for the current day and 30 minutes data measurements, the count restarts when the SCA restarts and again functions as expected. The last 5 minutes worth of data measurements may be lost, depending on the time of the crash. If the crash occurs after all the reports are sent and before the 5 minute interval, then no data should be lost.