The REST API User and Reference guides are located in a different documentation space.

To view the REST API guides, click DSC REST API.


TL1 Reference Guide

This guide describes the TL1 commands used to manage software application elements and parameters for this product.

XML Application Programming Interface User Guide

This guide provides the Extensible Markup Language (XML) syntax and functional specification that the  use to interact with XML User Agents (UAs).

User Application Protocol Reference

This guide describes access to the DSC SS7 message information stream through a TCP/IP interface. The User Application Protocol (UAP) can terminate the SS7 message stream at the MTP3 or at the SCCP, allowing you to access both call control (ISUP) and service-oriented (SCCP/TCAP) messages.

Web UI and Menu UI Guide

This guide includes the descriptions for the Web-based and Menu-based user interfaces (UIs) and illustrations for the DSC Platform object-based software application hierarchy (MTP2, MTP3, SCCP, SG, GTT, GWST, PCE, DSC, IMF, INAPGW, etc.).

Data Measurements Reference


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