
This is an example. Refer to the latest updated MIB for the exact OID values and dependencies.

The following table lists the mandatory attributes required to create a new L2 Connection. You must set the attributes in this table before you set the new L2 Connection to active using RowStatus.

All other configurable L2 Connection attributes listed in the MIB, such as debug levels, do not need to be set at the time of row creation. Default values are inserted for these attributes by the system at the time of row creation. For more information about the mandatory attributes and other configurable L2 Connection attributes, refer to the MIB and the appropriate chapter in SS7 Application Guide 1 and SS7 Application Guide 2.


If you omit any of the mandatory variables when creating a new instance of the variable using RowStatus, the procedure fails. You must delete the row and recreate it, ensuring that you include all mandatory variables.

Mandatory L2 Connection Variables

Variable OBJECT-TYPE Description
Set this attribute to the cage used by this L2 Connection. Cage identifier as per Hardware Manager definition. The value given here must correspond to the value specified when the Hardware Manager was configured. The DSC Platform systems are deployed configured with a L2 Connections for the available slots in the chassis. The Cage IDs are listed by slot number as 4-9. On other systems, typically, one L2 Connection is preconfigured and is listed as Cage ID 1.
ptMTPL2ConnectionType Set this to the L2 Connection type. L2 Connection communications with the DRE can be handled over TCP/IP, SCTP/IP, ATM or the DRE and L2 Connection can be local to each other. SCTP is a telecom specific protocol similar to TCP. SCTP has certain features for guaranteed delivery of packets and sequencing, making it a better choice for this purpose. The protocol used by default is HWM_SCTP, unless you are working on a one card (blade) system. The values for Type, MTP2 Protocol Type, and MTP2 Protocol Version are related. These are layers in a protocol between the DRE and the Level 2 Connections.
ptMTPL2ConnectionProtocolType Set this to the protocol used by the L2 Connection. The Internal Protocol API is used to interact with this L2 Connection is either M2UA or a proprietary protocol from Performance Technologies. M2UA requires that the L2 Connection Communications Type be SCTP. The values for Type, MTP2 Protocol Type, and MTP2 Protocol Version are related. These are layers in a protocol between the DRE and the Level 2 modules.
ptMTPL2ConnectionPrimaryDREID Set this to the L2 Connection Primary DRE to manage the L2 Connection. This value is specified at creation time of the L2 Connection, and cannot be modified thereafter. This is the default DRE to manage the MTP Level 2, which should be the DRE resident on the chassis.

Create an L2 Connection Example

snmpwalk -c public <host name> 

Get the list of all L2 connections on the system and display the number of L2 connections configured.

Object tag is 1 is the number of L2Connections as per MIBptMTPL2ConnectionsCount OBJECT-TYPE.


Parse the list to get the OID of the required L2Connection

  1. Set the RowStatus to 5 (create and wait). (The last instance number is 0).

    An L2connection has MIB Object Identifier 48:
    ptMTPL2Connection OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ptMTPL2Connections 48 }

    snmpset -c private <host name>
    . i 5


  2. Set the mandatory attribute, Cage ID.

    The value in this example is 3 where 3 indicates Cage ID 3.

    Cage ID is object tag 3 as per MIB ptMTPL2ConnectionCageID OBJECT-TYPE.

    snmpset -c private <host name>
    . i 3


  3. Set the Parent OID.


    This OID is the same as the one you are creating without the current object type (L2connection 48) and its instance (the last instance 0).

    snmpset -c private <host name> 
    . s


  4. Set the mandatory L2 Connection Type.
    The value in this example is 0 where 0 indicates stcp. (tcp=1, sctp=0).
    Module Type is object tag 4 as per MIB ptMTPL2ConnectionType OBJECT-TYPE.

    snmpget -c public <host name> 


  5. Set mandatory Protocol Type.
    The value in this example is “1”, that is m2ua Protocol Type.
    (ptProprietary(0), m2ua(1), atm(2)).
    Protocol Type is object tag 34 as per MIB.
    ptMTPL2ConnectionMTP2ProtocolType OBJECT-TYPE

    snmpset -c private <host name>
    . i 1


  6. Set mandatory Primary DRE ID.
    The value in this example is “1”.
    Primary DRE ID is object tag 7 as per MIB ptMTPL2ConnectionPrimaryDREID OBJECT-TYPE.

    snmpwalk -c public <host name>
    . i 1


  7. Set Cage Name.
    The value in this example is “M2UA”.
    Cage name is object tag 2 as per MIB ptMTPL2ConnectionCageName OBJECT-TYPE.

    snmpset -c private <host name>
    . s "M2UA"


  8. Check the RowStatus value.

    snmpget -c public <host name>

    If the value is 2, the L2Connection is ready to be created. See Creating SNMP Attributes.

  9. Create the L2Connection by setting the RowStatus to 1 (Active).

    snmpset -c private <host name>
    . i 1 


  10. Do a partial walk to verify the instance of the L2connection to make sure it was created.

    snmpwalk -c public <host name>
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