For detailed information about the appropriate description of the various supported CPUs and VMs, refer to Terminology.


The Global Title Translation (GTT) enables Global Title (GT) routing on the DSC - SP2000 Platform. The GTT works in conjunction with the Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) and resides on the Routing VMs.

The purpose of GTT is to provide a new Destination Point Code (DPC) for an incoming SS7 message based on the information contained in the SCCP Called Party Address parameter. This parameter contains the digits dialed by the customer and also various other fields. GTT can also be used to modify these dialed digits and fields if required.

In addition to the standard GT search, the advanced search feature provides the ability to obtain a new DPC for an incoming SS7 message based on the SCCP Called and Calling Party Address parameters and the Originating Point Code (OPC) of the MTP3 routing label. The Called and Calling Party Address parameters can also be modified if required.

An Incoming Application ID can be associated to the search result to allow successfully GTT translated traffic to trigger Gateway Screening (GWS). This allows the corresponding traffic to be possibly redirected to another destination or Ribbon application.

The GTT destination loadsharing supports weight-based loadsharing on the lowest cost available destinations. Cost-weighted loadsharing of the traffic is used, which forwards a greater share of the traffic to systems that can handle higher loads, instead of loadsharing evenly amongst destinations. 


The traffic is loadshared equally if all the lowest cost available records have the same weight. The Weight attribute is ignored if there is only one available record with the lowest cost.

GTT provisioning is distributed seamlessly over the DSC - SP2000 Platform Routing VMs. If you have a mated pair configuration, you must perform the GTT configuration tasks on both systems.

The GTT and advanced search feature are optional for the DSC - SP2000 Platform and can be purchased by contacting a Sales Representative for product pricing and availability (refer to Sales).

The Process Event feature that appears in the UI, but is not described in this guide, provides an alarm type which ensures that the applications in all slots function as expected. With this feature, each application defines its own concept of functioning as expected, which means that the configuration/database files are synchronized and loaded, inter-peer connections are correctly established, and the peer applications are ready to process traffic. For more information about this feature, refer to the appropriate section in the DSC - SP2000 Platform Manager User Guide.

If the application and its peer does not function as expected, an alarm is raised that is visible on the system's alarm panel. For more information about alarms, refer to the appropriate section in the Alarms Guide.

In accordance with GR-82-Core, Signaling Transfer Point (STP) Generic Requirements (A Module of FR-CCS-18), Issue 10, December 2006, the DSC - SP2000 Platform supports Memory Space Accounting (MSA). For more information about how this feature applies to GTT, refer to the appropriate section in the DSC - SP2000 Platform Manager User Guide.

GTT Capacity

The maximum number of GTT records that the DSC - SP2000 Platform allows you to create and provision are as follows:

  • 500,000 GT Searches


    The SP2000 supports up to 10,000 GT Searches.

  • 10,000 GT Modifications

  • 10,000 Point Code Lists

  • 16 Point Code List Records in each Point Code List

  • 2,000 Command Lists

  • 5 Command List Records in each Command List

The maximum number of GT Searches listed depends on your licensing arrangements. If you want to enhance the licensing arrangements for your system, contact your Sales Representative.

Before You Start 

Before you start the GTT configuration, make sure that you have completed the following tasks:

  • installed and powered up the DSC - SP2000 Platform

  • completed the initial configuration tasks

  • set the system date and time

  • configured the required passwords and familiarized yourself with the system UI

  • configured the required MTP Level 3 (MTP3) NAs with linksets, routesets, and VNodes

  • configured the required SCCP NAs

If you have not completed the tasks listed in the preceding bulleted list, refer to the appropriate sections in the Installation Guides and SS7 Application Guide 1

Use the Web UI or TL1 commands to perform all provisioning tasks for the GTT configuration.

Naming Conventions for Table Attributes

The GTT name attributes are defined by a 16 character string that includes the null character. Case insensitive alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores are supported.



You can enter the alphanumeric characters as lower case characters. GTT automatically converts these characters to upper case.

  • No labels