In this section:

This section describes the traffic process of SRI-for-SMS queries through the INAPGW (see Figure INAPGW Network View for SMS Direct Delivery).


The following section is only applicable to the DSC Platform.

Traffic Flow

The INAPGW STP intercepts MSUs based on a gateway redirection criteria at GWST.  The following three figures display the standard message flow processed by the INAPGW application.


The GTT must be provisioned based on the relevant E.164 number provided (external NPs, Partners, and Hub). Command Lists need to be associated to the necessary GT Called Searches to remove the added prefixes by the INAPGW (NNID for Connect, and custom prefix for Continue.

The intercepted message (SRI-for-SM) following INAPGW processing and GTT routing leaves the STP with the same SCCP and TCAP data as was received. Only the routing label is updated

Traffic Flow Example for INAP Connect Response

Traffic Flow Example for INAP Continue Response Hub Routing


Traffic Flow Example for INAP Continue Response Error Handling

Traffic Redirection

With App ID registrations, the GWST screening tables must be provisioned to reach the appropriate Redirect to App ID table. If GT routed traffic is received and not redirected, GTT must be provisioned for network routing.

Mated-pair Deployment

SS7 traffic for redundancy is deployed in mated-pair configurations. TCAP queries are not guaranteed to be returned to the originator unless the SCCP calling digits in the INAP query map to a unique destination. As the STP that owns the incoming SRI-for-SM is the only one capable of forwarding it, the INAPGW must be identified with a unique E164 used in the INAP Initial-DP SCCP calling party address.


Each mate STP must be provisioned separately.

GWR can be provisioned using the SCCP Called Digits table to redirect the INAP responses back to the INAPGW application or using the INAP Local Point Code (LPC) subsytem number (SSN) 12 registration. With the assigned E.164 number to the INAPGW for the given STP mate, a GT routed INAP response can be turned into a PC-SSN routed message to the LPC by defining a GT modification for the associated GT Called Search.

Error Handling due to INAP Continue

Intercepted MSUs that are sent to GTT for routing with the designed INAP Continue prefix in their SCCP Called Party digits can be configured by doing one of the following:

  • return Unit Data Service (UDTS) by setting the PC List to a reserved unavailable destination
  • return a MAP Error by setting the PC List to the reserved unavailable destination and Incoming App ID to SONUS_INAPGW_ME. The MSU is returned to the INAPGW using GWR for processing. A MAP error code of UnexpectedDataValue (36) is used. The SCCP Called and Calling party addresses are exchanged. The MSU is returned to GTT for final routing.


    The INAPGW application has reserved Application IDs. For more information, refer to Reserved Application IDs for SS7 Applications.

Maximum MSU Length

Standard SS7 MSU size restrictions are in effect. SCCP does not support Long Unit Data (LUDT) messages. SCCP segmentation [Extended Unitdata (XUDT) messages] is used to send large data messages if required.

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