
The following section is only applicable to the DSC Platform.

Using a configurable Gateway Redirection criteria, such as SCCP Called Party Address (CLD) digits with a prefix of 1 and TCAP SendRoutingInfoForSM (SRI-for-SM) Begin message, an Message Signaling Unit (MSU) is redirected to the INAPGW application. This application  initiates a corresponding INAP Initial-Detection Point (DP) query to a specific external NP database using the received SCCP CLD digits. Based on the response (INAP Connect or Continue), the intercepted MSU with an updated SCCP CLD is GT-routed to its partners where applicable or else to a default hub through a custom GTT DB.

The INAP response updates the intercepted MSU’s SCCP CLD digits for custom GT routing as follows:

  • INAP Connect - Destination Routing Address replaces the full digits; it is the original called digits [Mobile Station Integrated Services Digital Network (MSISDN)] prefixed with the NNID
  • INAP Continue – Configurable string prefix in the INAPGW is added


GTT strips any added routing prefix before forwarding the original MSU.

INAPGW Network View for SMS Direct Delivery

Consider the following for the preceding figure:

  • The SRI-for-SMS are the only SMS queries currently supported by INAPGW.
  • The local NPs are optional. Customer deployment may use only the INAP Gateway solution as an intercept to a national database (for example, in North America) and maintain their existing NP databases (for example, in their European network).


    The SS7 database application NP must be licensed to support NP in DSC Platform.

  • There is no ISDN User Part (ISUP) or other circuit-based interface requirements; therefore,  this application is limited to SS7 SCCP protocol (ANSI or ITU) and the Mobile Application Protocol (MAP) protocol using ITU Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP) only.
  • Multiple STP pairs may access the INAPGW to query the external NPs.
  • More than one external NP partner can be configured and selected by different GWR criteria. Each external NP partner is uniquely identified by an Application ID; therefore, GWR can trigger different Redirect to App ID records based on any of the screening tables. For example, different country codes (Allowed Called Party Address Digits) can trigger an INAP query to different NP databases.

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