Follow the instructions in this section to acknowledge or clear an active alarm. All alarms under an Event ID can be selected and cleared using the bulk clear method in the Alarms Event ID screen. Individual alarm instances can be selected and restored in the Alarms Event ID screen or the Alarm screen.

To Clear an Alarm (Bulk Clear)

  1. From the Alarm Dashboard, click the alarm count: Critical, Major, Minor, or Warning.
  2. Click the required Event ID.


    The Cleared By field is pre-filled with the user ID and can be modified.

  3. Select all Instance IDs of the alarm to clear or select Select All.

  4. Click Clear Selected.
  5. Click Confirm at the prompt.
  6. Click the Cleared alarm count in the Alarm Dashboard to verify the alarms are cleared.

To Acknowledge or Clear an Individual Alarm

  1. From the Alarm Dashboard, click the alarm count: Critical, Major, Minor, or Warning.
  2. Click the required Event ID.
  3. Click the required alarm instance.


    The Ack By and Clear By fields are pre-filled with the user ID and can be modified.

  4. Click Update to clear the alarm.
  5. If the Clear By attribute has been set, click the alarm count in the Alarm Dashboard to verify that the alarm is cleared but not acknowledged.

Details on the object or related event that raised the alarm can be viewed by clicking Associated UI Object.

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