The following table lists and describes the L2 and L3 state information

Link State Information for all Link Types

State Description
L2 State
IN_SERVICE The link is in-service and available.
OUT_OF_SERVICE The link is out-of-service and unavailable.
DEACTIVATED The link is deactivated and unavailable.
PROVING The link is currently undergoing proving procedures and is unavailable.
LOCAL_PROC_OUTAGE There is a local processor outage and the link is unavailable.
REM_PROC_OUTAGE There is a remote processor outage and the link is unavailable.
BO_PROC_OUTAGE Both processors are in processor outage and the link is unavailable.
NOT INITIALIZED For SS7 and ATM links, the link is assigned to an unavailable cage/slot/ channel. For M2PA links, the SCTP association is not established. For M2UA links, the provisioned ID is unavailable for use.
NOT_ENABLED For SS7, ATM, and M2PA links, the respective link is configuring MTP2 parameters (transient). For M2UA links, the provisioned ID is unavailable for use.
FAILED The link has failed due to a communication error between MTP3 and MTP2. Recovery is being attempted.
L3 State
IN_SERVICE The link is in-service and available.
OUT_OF_SERVICE The link is out-of-service and unavailable.
DEACTIVATED The link is deactivated and unavailable.
PROVING The link is currently undergoing proving procedures and is unavailable.
LOCALLY_INHIBITED The link is locally inhibited and is unavailable.
REM_INHIBITED The link is remotely inhibited and is unavailable.
BOTH_INHIBITED The link is both locally and remotely inhibited and is unavailable.
BLOCKED The link is blocked and is unavailable.
BLOCKED_INHIBITED The link is blocked and inhibited and is unavailable.
LOCAL_PROC_OUTAGE The link has been manually placed in processor outage condition and is unavailable.

To view link state information

  1. From the Main Menu, click MTP3.

  2. Click the required NA.

  3. Click Linksets.

  4. Click the required Linkset.

  5. Click the required link type.

  6. Click the required link. The following screen capture shows the links state information for an M2PA Link (example).


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