In this section:

For detailed information about the appropriate description of the various supported CPUs and VMs, refer to Terminology.


Level 4 Converter keeps track of statistics on an overall and on a per-peer basis. You can use the Level 4 Converter Statistics object for assistance during system maintenance. A peer statistics object is created automatically under the Level 4 Converter Statistics object for each Routing VM.

The Ribbon DSC - SP2000 maintains the Level 4 Converter statistics dynamically, but for optimal traffic management, these statistics are only updated on the UI at your request using the Refresh and Reset actions. The following two actions are available to manage statistics:

  • Refresh All Stats (from current running values)
  • Reset All Stats (to zero)

To update the statistics to the latest value, execute the Refresh All Stats. The Last Modified Date attribute reflects the last time the Refresh action was triggered.

The Reset All Stats is used to set all countable statistics to 0. This reset action action updates the Last Modified Date and the Last Reset Date accordingly.

To view Level 4 Converter statistics

  1. From the Main Menu, click Level 4 Converter.

  2. Click Level 4 Converter Statistics.

To view Level 4 Converter Peer Statistics

  1. From the Main Menu, click Level 4 Converter.

  2. Click Level 4 Converter Statistics.

  3. Click the required Peer ID.

To refresh or reset all statistics

  1. From the Main Menu, click Level 4 Converter.

  2. Click Level 4 Converter Statistics.

  3. Click the Refresh All Stats | Reset All Stats action.

  4. Click Continue.


    The statistics actions may also be performed by a Peer Statistics object.

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