Use this procedure to upload the new software from your PC to the DSC 8000 using either Management CPU in slot 2 (p19p1.3) or slot 13 (p19p.2.5) and have a terminal window open.


Do not log onto the system using the shared IP addresses on the Management CPUs during the upgrade process described in this section. These addresses are disabled as part of the upgrade process.

  • You have retrieved the new software load from the Global Support Portal (see Downloading Software Files) and uploaded this load onto your DSC 8000. The information to obtain the software upgrade package is provided with the software upgrade notification.  
  1. Secure FTP to the DSC 8000 using root credentials.

    sftp root@<ip address of the DSC 8000>
  2. Go to the /var/log/ directory.

    sftp> cd /var/log/ 
  3. Upload the software package from your PC to the DSC 8000.

    sftp> put <filename>  
    sftp> put dsc_8000_18_1_0_nb<date>
  4. Exit the window.

     sftp> exit
  5. Log onto the DSC 8000 Management CPU using the same IP address as in step1 (for example, slot 2 IP address).

  6. Change to the /var/log directory.

    cd /var/log
  7. Execute the file by entering the following.




    If you receive a permission denied error, enter the command chmod 777 [filename] to change permissions for the file.


    This file execution operation

    • pushes the software load to each CPU in the DSC 8000 shelf expands (extracts) the compressed software load.
    • checks that there is sufficient space/memory on the DSC 8000 for the new software
    • extracts the new software to the DSC 8000 that you are logged onto (/var/log)
    • installs the scripts to all CPU cards

    Executing the file is a repeatable process; therefore, if there is a failure on any of the system cards indicated by an error message (memory, disk, temporary space, and so on), the process can be repeated when the problem is resolved.

  8. Proceed to Executing the Pre-upgrade Checks.