In this section:


Note that all screen captures, outputs, or images on this page are examples only and are the same between releases with the exception of the software version numbers.


Do not log onto the system using the shared IP address on the Routing and Management VMs during the upgrade procedures provided in this section. This address is disabled as part of the upgrade process.


All VMs must be upgraded to the same software version. VMs can run different versions for short periods of time but this state will restrict certain provisioning operations. Make sure to upgrade and verify all VMs before closing the maintenance window. 

Upgrade the VMs

  1. Upload the file to the system on slot1. (/var/log/ on a Routing and Management VM).
  2. Log onto the Routing and Management VM as root that contains the file.
  3. cd to the /var/log directory.
  4. Enter the following at the command line, and press ENTER.

    [root@dscLab218-slot1 log]# ./
    DSC Self-Extraction Utility xx_x_x_nbxxxxxxxxx
    Verify archive integrity...
    Executing install script...
    Software Upgrade Preparation
    root: UpgradeInstaller Executed upgrade installer xx_x_x_nbxxxxxxxx
    Executed upgrade installer xx_x_x_nbxxxxxxxx
    Verify /upgrade ...
       Partition for /upgrade has 4.8 GB
    Verify execution point...
    Verify system state...
    Verify requisite files in the archive...
    Is it OK to proceed with preparation of the /upgrade directory? (y/n):
  5. Enter y.

    Preparing /upgrade directory...
    Expand OS image from archive...
    Place SW load file...
    Redirect pre-upgrade-check and upgrade...
    Place new pre-upgrade-check and upgrade...
    To complete the process run the upgrade command.
    (May optionally run pre-upgrade-check independently beforehand).
    [root@lab81TMAslot1 log]#
  6. Enter the following at the command line:


    The upgrade is automatically executed on the system. During this process, the VMs initialize, discover, and install the software load and perform the upgrade/restore using the backup file.

    Upgrade DSC SWe
    [root@TMAkvm-slot1 log]# upgrade
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ribbon DSC ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    │DSC VM Upgrade│
    Type "q" to quit from most prompts or CTRL-C.
    This process will prepare each VM for upgrade before rebooting each VM in order, isolating the reboots to avoid outages.
    -----------------------------Pre Upgrade Check------------------------------
    Please run a new pre-upgrade check. Type "yes" to execute this check (exiting otherwise): yes
    Calling pre-upgrade check...
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ribbon DSC ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Pre-Upgrade Check
    Type "q" to quit from most prompts or CTRL-C.
    Notice: replacing previous pre-upgrade check
    Running in-container upgrade tests.
    User root..............................................: Pass
    Current VMs Exist......................................: Pass
    Previous Upgrade.......................................: Pass
    Script Run-From Point..................................: Pass
    VM Replacements Exist..................................: Pass
    VM MGT Interfaces......................................: Pass
    VM Interface Compare...................................: Pass
    File Audit (Current MGMT)..............................: Pass
    APC Uniqueness.........................................: Pass
    Compare DB definitions of GTT NA and LPC registration..: Pass
    Check grub file for proper data........................: Pass
    Ensure VMUUID in pticonfig.............................: Pass
    Overall pre-upgrade check result is PASS.
    Recent preupgrade check found and all tests passed.
    Continuing with upgrade.
    ----------------------------Upgrade Information-----------------------------
    Using /shared/log/
    Upgrading to: 21_0_0_nb20220217
    Requiring update: 1 2
    Up to date: None
    I/O Cards: None detected
    Switch Cards: None detected
    Uncommissioned/Bad: None
    Confirmation to proceed with upgrade operations? (yes/no): yes
  7. Enter "yes" and press ENTER.

    -----------------------Upgrade Preparations (part 1)------------------------
    Copying upgrade package and preparing each VM.
    Preparing 2
    Checking mounts.................Pass
    Checking available space........Pass
    Sending package.................Pass
    Setting up new OS files on 2: Started
    Waiting for OS setup to finish...
    2: Pass
    -------------------------------System Backup--------------------------------
    Generating new backup...Pass
    -----------------------Upgrade Preparations (part 2)------------------------
    Preparing 2
    fstab, restore id and keys......Pass
    Copying backup..................Pass
    Preparing 1
    fstab, restore id and keys......Pass
    Copying backup..................NA
    Should user input (a y/n prompt) be required after each VM is upgraded? (yes/no) [n]: 
  8. Enter yes.

    Upgrade execution order [2, 1]. To continue, press the Enter key:
  9. Press Enter to start upgrade processing.

    -----------------------------Final upgrade step-----------------------------
    Upgrading peer 2
    Backup stats files..............Pass
    Modify boot file................Pass
    Setting restore information.....Pass
    Waiting to recover..............Pass
    Waiting for system processes....Pass
  10. Log into the Web UI and navigate to System > Processes > Watchdog Processes.   Select the CPU that was just upgraded and ensure that processes are running without issues.

    Example Output (Depending on licensing):
    1    6407  S+   0    0    10   10   slotmon --platform DSCVM -s 1 -g 0 -p /op...
    2    14093 S+   0    0    10   10   pxbr -p /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/data --pla...
    3    14111 S+   0    0    10   10   upp -p /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/data/ --pla...
    4    14132 S+   0    0    10   10   sca -p /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/data/
    5    14149 S+   0    0    10   10   sysmon.default -p /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/...
    6    14170 S+   0    0    10   10   sysmon.cpucheck -p /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current...
    7    14273 S+   0    0    10   10   sysmon.diskmon -p /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/...
    8    14547 S+   0    0    10   10   sysmon.logcpu -p /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/s...
    9    14756 S+   0    0    10   10   sysmon.logmem -p /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/s...
    10   14920 S+   0    0    10   10   sysmon.slotinventory -p /opt/cpu_ss7gw/cu...
    11   15086 S+   0    0    10   10   sysmon.configuremtu -p /opt/cpu_ss7gw/cur...
    12   20784 S+   0    0    10   10   licensed -r -f /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/dat...
    13   20851 S+   0    0    10   10   snm --platform DSCVM -p /opt/cpu_ss7gw/cu...
    14   20890 S+   0    0    10   10   imfProbe -p 7377
    15   20898 S+   0    0    10   10   gws --platform DSCVM -p /opt/cpu_ss7gw/cu...
    16   20970 S+   0    0    10   10   dre --platform DSCVM -p /opt/cpu_ss7gw/cu...
    17   21126 S+   0    0    10   10   sccp --platform DSCVM -p /opt/cpu_ss7gw/c...
    18   21169 S+   0    0    10   10   imf --platform DSCVM -p /opt/cpu_ss7gw/cu...
  11. When the upgrade process of the first CPU has been completed, tests can be performed to ensure stability and functionality of the new load.
    Ensuring That Test Calls are Processed by the New Software
    To ensure that all test calls are processed by the newly upgraded CPU, you must stop the SS7 or Routing software on the Slot not yet upgraded.

  12. Log into the WEB UI on the CPU that has not been upgraded and navigate to the System Start/Stop Commands Under System > Processes.

  13. Choose the CPU Slot that has not been upgraded and check Stop SS7 Software Applications and click ‘Continue’.

  14. Proceed with test calls. 

  15. If testing is unfavorable after the first CPU upgrade AND a rollback is required, apply the following steps BEFORE proceeding with the Rollback.  This will minimize the outage on the M3UA ASPs to the CORE. 
    If testing was successful, continue with the upgrade by entering "yes" and pressing ENTER.

    Machine 2 is complete, type "yes" to continue.: yes
    Upgrading peer 1
    Backup stats files..............NA
    Modify boot file................Pass
    Setting restore information.....Pass
  16. After the software upgrade is completed, make sure that the upgrade was successful and the software was properly installed (see Verify that the Software has been Properly Installed on the CPUs ).

Steps to Follow if Rollback is Needed After the First CPU Upgrade is Completed

Before the software can be rolled back, the software must be restarted on the CPU that has NOT been upgraded.

  1. Log into the WEB UI on the CPU that has NOT been upgraded and navigate to System > Processes > System Start/Stop Commands.
  2. Choose the CPU Slot that has NOT been upgraded and check Restart SS7 Software Applications and click ‘Continue’
  3. Confirm that all software has restarted by viewing the Watchdog processes for the affected slot and ensure that any MTP3 links have returned to service. The Signaling Gateway M3UA links will not return to service at this point. To view the Watchdog running processes, perform the following steps.
    1. Go to System > Processes > Watchdog Processes.
    2. Choose the CPU that has NOT been upgraded and ensure that the applications are running.  This would have started the following applications:  licensed, snm, gws, dre, dinamo and pt_route_refreshd.
  4. You can now proceed with the Rollback as documented in the DSC SWe Rollback to a Previous Software Version.

Verify that the Software has been Properly Installed on the CPUs 


 If an asterisk appears beside any of the system cards during the verification process, the upgrade for the respective card was unsuccessful. In this case, it is recommended that you contact Customer Support.

  1. At the Linux prompt, enter startmenu and press ENTER.
  2. Select System and press ENTER.
  3. Navigate to the Software Revisions screen.
  4. Select CPU Versions and press ENTER.
  5. Make sure that the SS7 software and Linux software has been upgraded, all cards are running the same software, and that there is no asterisk beside any of the cards.


    The output of the CPU Versions shows that the CPU card has “UPGRADED” status if this is the first time the command is issued after an upgrade. All subsequent CPU Versions selections show the number of processes running on each CPU.

  6. Press ENTER.